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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. I would quite like a GWP as well, but they are extremely hard hunting one man dogs. Have a look at some breed literature and you will find out. I am also a farm worker at the moment, and wouldn't consider getting a dog until after harvest is finished. You say that you would have plenty of work for one at certain times of the year. What would you do with it the rest of the time? I am not looking for a fight or an argument, just trying to get you to think very carefully before putting a lot of money and time into a dog which could turn out to be a mistake.
  2. A wirehair pointer is not just a long haired version of a short haired pointer. They are two completely different breeds. If you already have a Lab and a Teckel what do you want a WHP for?
  3. I hear the Army offer very fine accommodation and are recruiting...
  4. You may find this link interesting... http://www.guineafowlinternational.org/forum/index.php?mode=thread&id=42038
  5. Speeding up the weight loss normally results in faster weight gain once the diet finishes. Slow is better, as the weight loss will be more sustainable, and you would end up with large amounts of excess skin. For weight loss, don't bother with any of these shakes, protein supplements etc, purely a waste of money in my opinion. As redcharge says, eat less, move more. Think of it as a bowl of water. Every time you eat, more water goes into the bowl. Every time you work out, water is taken out of the bowl. If you are taking more out than you are putting in, then weight will decrease.
  6. My little sister can control a 17hh stallion. She is only 5'5" and 60kgs. Its all about training and using the right aids correctly, be they legs, hands, whips or spurs. Ive been to agricultural shows and seen people leading full grown continental beef bulls around by the nose. I would rather handle a horse than a bull any day. Especially the dairy bulls at work, I f*****g hate them. As for the signatures, people can put what they want on them, its their signature.
  7. Its the same reason why a lot of farmers don't like lurchers, one bad incident can undo years of good work. http://www.northumbria.police.uk/your_neighbourhood/newcastle/news/details.asp?id=40665 I know the landowner's in question. For a good while now they have been aware of lampers on their land. They had not given permission, but there was never any problems so they did not mind too much. Then the incident in the link occurred. At the fat stock sale in March fat lambs were reaching £100+. That is the best part of a grand gone down the drain in a night, plus the damage to the
  8. I was taught the thoraic stick method on my DSC 1 course, and used it to good effect this week on a spine shot roe buck. I approached down hill from behind, and imobilised the animal by kneeling on its shoulders and neck. Then I inserted the knife into the botton of the neck, as per the best practice guide. As the heart was still beating blood loss was rapid, and death quickly followed.
  9. I always get cash on the spot, otherwise I go elsewhere.
  10. If she's gonna be there count me in!
  11. where abouts in scotland are you? my brother in law is in morpeth, northumberland. he is after a couple of ferret kits.
  12. Done a bit more digging, apparently it is all part of a marketing campaign about a new 'mockumentary' film which is being released shortly. Quite a realistic looking website though. Goes to show there are no depths that marketing people will go to in order to gain money. I often think that £££ will bring about the fall of mankind. I reckon IanB's signature sums it up nicely.
  13. Was just mincing about on the internet today (as I am prone to do) when I came across this website. http://www.realanimalleague.com/ Has anyone else heard of them? I wan't even aware of their existence until now. But I really do wonder about the mental health of such people...
  14. The end of Jan my girlfriend and I were walking out 4month old (at the time) yellow lab pup in a public park/nature reserve. There are signs clearly marking the area where dogs can be off the lead. However, as he is a pup, my dog stayed on the lead. As we were walking along a man and his son came the other way. They had a colly and a large undocked liver and white springer, both off the lead. As they approached, I heard the man say to his dogs, 'you best come away as you play too rough'. He hadn't finished saying it when his springer attacked my pup. It only lasted 2 or 3 seconds, but w
  15. Following a wrong turn on the way home, I had the great misfortune to drive through Staines in London. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life. My mother and I were the only white people within view, and the views we were getting made it feel like an alien planet...
  16. I have not heard of this unit - where are/were they based Paul? OTC he's a tom pepper otc. I dont know any UK marines who'd refer to themselves as a battalion or a comp !!! Cant be doing with bullshitters. Why would someone BS about something like that? And on an online forum? These people are technically known as 'Walts', as in Walter Mitty. Exposing them is almost a national sport amongst the ex service community. Have a look on www.arrse.co.uk or /www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/Walt. ertainly filled an evening or two of my time. .
  17. Black and tan saluki cross bitch lost in pursuit of game near Tickhill in Yorkshire. If you have found the dog or have any information please call Steve Jones on 0783393368 (New Edlington) or Alan (owner) on 07970868356. She is a pet as well as a working animal, and a good drink is offered for any information regarding her whereabouts. Thank you. PS. she has a recent scar on her rear back leg. Think thats what he meant to say...
  18. who do you vote for now that hitler is dead lol Says the person with the SS's motto in his signature! I see wit is wasted on you lol Doesnt mean that Scothunter is a Nazi, more than he totally commits his life to his chosen alleigance. In this case I reckon hunting or Scotland. However, it is illegal to say this at a public event in Germany... On a side note, early German and Nordic Waffen SS troops were ferociously loyal, and very good combat troops. Some members of the French SS were loyal to the last dropof blood in Berlin.
  19. The animal being skinned alive is a racoon dog, at a chinese fur farm. It is from a 'secret undercover' video made by PETA. As has already been said, there is a theory that animal rights 'activists' paid the worker to skin the animal alive, to make a more shocking video. I know that if i was trying to skin an animal with canine teeth like that, I would sure as hell make sure it was dead, mostly so it didn't wake up and bite me. The full video can be seen here; http://features.peta.org/ChineseFurFarms/.
  20. Jus moved to Lincs. Live north of the city, near the show ground. Haven't got any permission yet, but Im working on it. Would like to go out with anyone locally. Only have guns at the moment, but would love to tag along for a days ferreting or a nights lamping. Will gladly return the favour when I get sorted with my own permission. Cheers, Ug
  21. He was a Lt Col when he died wasn't he?
  22. If the rabbits are causing damage on your permissions, but living on National Rail land, then National Rail have a legal duty to control the rabbits, or implement measures to prevent them crossing onto your permissions. If they dont, contact Natural England, who will force them to implement controls, or do the rabbit control themselves and charge the costs to National Rail. Ug.
  23. its probably worth asking the local council for permission. Under Section1 of the 1954 Pest Control Act, the occupier of the land (ie the owner, or tenant if the land is rented) is legally obliged to control rabbits on their land (or prevent them from causing damage). This Act is in force throughout the UK, except the Scilliy Isles and the City of London. There are large amounts of rabbit on council land near my old house in Colchester. When I spoke to their pest control department, they told me that the tenant was responsible for giving permission. Fortunately I already had permission fr
  24. Ive never eaten any roadkill, and I dont have any animals to feed it to at the moment, but if it is something interesting (badger, fox etc) and not too badly damaged, I take it for the skin.
  25. Also, the owner of a dog is not criminally responsible for the actionns of a dog, if it is on property where the dog lives, as long as the owner did not encourage the attack. There was a case a few years ago, I don't remember where, when a little girl got into next door's garden and was savaged by the bull mastiff there. The dog was not put down and the owners not prosecuted as they did not encourage the attack, and it took place on property where the dog lives. Hope he gets sorted. I think the law in the UK needs to be changed to one similar in Texas (the Castle Laws). In Texas, if some
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