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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. I've not dug to many terriers, but I see no reason why a dog couldn't be taught to take a throat hold using a 'straw' carcass. If anyone has read the Neils Sondergaard book, 'Working With Dogs for Deer', they will know what I mean. In it the author has a roe deer skin stuffed with straw and sewn up. He explains how to teach a tracking dog to take hold of the throat using the skin. This is done from an early age in all training sessions. I recognise that a tracking dog on wounded deer and a terrier below ground are very different dogs in different situations, but I see no reason why a terr
  2. You shouldn't have. It moved me, huge respect to you and your comrades. What was it?
  3. Unfortunately you get fanatics in any religion, sect, group or political following. But the religion whose core beliefs revolve around global jihad and converting people or killing them seems to attract a lot. Having said that, Christianity was not exactly all peace and light in early times ('kill them all, God will know his own'). I think that in the future there will be a new religion. Fast growing and strong, it will attract many fanatics. The peace loving and tolerant Muslims of the future will view this new religion as we view them today. Nothing changes, history is cyclical...
  4. And this will be my Bible; http://breedingdogsguidebook.com/
  5. Sounds like a great way to make money now that I think about it. I'll get down the nearest shelter and pick up a 6 staffy bitches (free). Then I'll get an unregistered Chihuahua dog (£400 max) to put over them. If I do a fallen stock collection service to feed them, they will cost nothing to keep. Then start pumping out Chiwaffys for £600/pup. The perfect dog for the wanna be hard man who also needs something for his wife/girlfriend to cuddle while he is away. Based on 8 pups per litter and 2 litters per bitch per year, this will bring in approx £56k per year. It will also ensure that I
  6. Personally I think he should continue in the current trend of using pictures of his wife as an avatar...
  7. I don't even recognise half the 'breeds' on the list. What is a 'lolly'? But I agree with you, it is extremely stupid. Like the old saying goes 'a fool and his money are easily parted'.
  8. Matt, if you read the story the golfer didn't beat it to death. He severely injured it, where upon someone decided that the only humane thing to do was to euthanise it. Wonder who took that decision? 'Rehabilated' foxes with limbs missing are presumed to be healthy enough to release, so the fox in question here must have taken some stick...
  9. Is this the same thing as the CLA game fair?
  10. Like Gem said, its all about the quality of the meat. Dry aged steak is the best, although this process makes the meat lose weight (water) so it will be more expensive. Has anyone tried Wagyu or Kobe beef? It is supposed to be the ultimate when it comes to beef steak.
  11. The details haven't been announced yet, but the draft proposals are for a landowner or collective of landowners with a total amount of land numbering at least 150km2. All landowners within the boundary must agree to the cull. The cull won't actually happen for a year or two, if at all. And even then, there will be very strict controls about who gets a licence to cull badgers. If you are wanting to hunt one go to mainland Europe where most countries allow badger hunting.
  12. Yeah no worries. If you ever need a hand digging one of your undocked dogs in the Lincoln area, drop me a pm.
  13. Thanks for your response. I thought the lack of space in the tube was what damaged the tail of the terrier when it wagged its tail? I still prefer the look of a dogged dog. As I said, my preference for the docked dog is mostly down to personal snobbery...
  14. I wouldn't. What a man does with his dogs is his buisness. But it is well known that authorities monitor this website. And you never know who is watching you. Also, if you have a lamb ring on a terrier for 10 days the chances are some one other than you will see it at some point.
  15. More chance of getting a blowjob from the queen! We all know that its the most sensible way of doing things but this country holds billy as some sort of untouchable. All the farmers want is the freedom to legally control this pest but rather than that the government favour a cull at the tax payers expence. They reckon TB costs the taxpayer 100 million a year! I wonder how much this cull will cost? If it does ever happen then will have to be kept up anually. PS Ive notivced in the media they are mentioning that the badger is a protected species under European law. We all know in many
  16. BEATNICK, If you accept that a terrier can damage its tail working heavy cover what is different about it working underground? Why can't it damage its tail in the tube the same way? I have limited experience of terriers and have never dug to an undocked dog.
  17. Stick a ring for taking of lambs tails on its tail at the lenght you want,problem solved. where would you get such a ring from and does it realy work ? sheep farmer and it does work put the ring on its tail and the tail dies after about ten day and breaks off dun it a few times I wouldn't try it, as the RSPCA/SSPCA/animal welfare charity of choice would probably take a dim view (not a view I agree with!) and prosecute you. If you do do it, I certainly wouldn't advertise the fact on a forum open to the public.
  18. As per title, does any one know a good vet in the Lincoln area who is suitable to take working terriers to? Feel free to reply by PM if wanted. Thanks, Ug
  19. Docked everytime for me, not just because of the look but to save injury while doing the work they do. Adding to an earlier reply, i went to the vets to enquire about docking a litter of pups and was bluntly refused while a woman at the side of me was booking her young weirmeraner in to have its gonads chopped off just to quieten it down??? Funny isn't it, its some people will refuse to dock a dog to prevent injury, but happily castrate an animal for owner's convenience.
  20. What work does a rottie do that would injure its tail when working and how exactly would a terrier injure its tail when working to ground. I said that many of these breeds were docked to prevent them damaging their tails. I believe that Rottweiler originally had its tail docked to prevent it being caught in the wheels of the butchers' carts it pulled, or to prevent it being grabbed by an attacker. I would imagine that a terrier could injure its tail when working to ground by wagging it off the sides of the tube, just like a terrier in heavy cover. But as I said in my original post
  21. There is a large amount of snobbery involved on my part. I think that Russells with big squirrel tails look hideous and Rottweilers look positively ridiculous. Also, the reason many of these breeds were docked is to prevent them from damaging their tails whilst working. Dogs working heavy cover can easily injure their tails tips if left undocked. These wounds are painful and can take an extremely long time to heal, if at all. The more extreme cases can require amputation. I believe that this is much more traumatic for the dog than being docked within a few days of birth. A terrier
  22. I have recently put down a deposit on a terrier pup. She comes from a docked litter. I wouldn't buy an undocked dog...
  23. I'm getting my terrier pup in two weeks, when she is 8 weeks old. I am intending to use her for ratting and to ground for fox. I am very keen on her using her nose. I have recently read a book on using dogs to located deer after they have been shot. I was thinking of attempting to use some of the techniques mentioned to get her to scent. I have also been looking at ways of getting a dog fit. I like the idea of the power house road work keep. (do a google search if you are unfamiliar). Does any one train their dogs on a formal 'keep'? When I went to view my pup the sire was very well m
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