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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. Sheep come into season when the days start to shorten. Something to do with the amount of daylight, similar to hens laying. Show stock can be brought into season early with the use of inter uterine sponges. This is because officially all show lambs for that year are born on 1 Jan. Any born before then are officially born are on the 1 Jan the year before.
  2. With 16 air assault brigade in garrison there, what do you expect! Lol I lived in Colchester for 3 years. Had a great time and no bother.
  3. I'm after a Bedlington Whippet to work with ferrets. If anyone knows of any working bred litters please let me know. Long coated dark bitch preferred (we have some cold weather and dark nights up North). Thanks
  4. Sounds like a good do mate. Is there much risk of parasites or disease being passed from the coon to the dogs? About 15 months ago I had the pleasure of hunting with Kye and some other lads in Missouri. Running terriers through derelict houses. It was good craic. They always talked up the barn hunting, but I had to go back to work just before they went. Something I definitely plan on doing in the future. Do you work your terriers on anything else?
  5. Where abouts in the USA you hunting g2g? Do you ever get any barn hunting? Do you lamp the coon or is it just day time with terriers? Do you feed the skinned coon to the dogs?
  6. Good write up mate. What you using for draw dogs? How much are you getting for the skins at the minute?
  7. I have the book and have read it many times. It is an excellent read and a real insight into the fox. My mother bought me mine from Oxfam.
  8. Hi KC1, nice to see you back. Are they red bones you are running there? How do you keep up with them? or do you follow on foot with a Garmin? Do you have any trouble with wolves in your area? Cheers Ug
  9. White, then you can add whatever colour accessories you want!
  10. I recently returned from a week in Hungary. Teckels were used extensively to drive boar for rifles. I was also told about people who use them for digging fox and badger. This is an excellent entry from an excellent blog; http://terriermandotcom.blogspot.com/2006/01/german-raccoon-dog-badger-and-raccoon.html Bet there aren't many people who own terriers here well trained enough to lie down next to despatched quarry after a dig!
  11. That is for placing elastic castration rings on livestock. It is not suitable for use on dogs in the UK. If you want a docked dog in the UK buy from a breeder who has had the puppies docked by a vet. To do anything else in the UK invites unnecessary attention and possible prosecution.
  12. How does he define short range? How does that condition affect you shooting? Do you have to carry a range finder/tape measure at all times to ensure that you are within the conditioned range?
  13. Prosecution by the RSPCA most likely...
  14. Please empty your inbox or drop me a PM with a way I can contact you.

  15. Ive been on some excellent hunting holidays abroad and in the UK through the people I have met off here. There are plenty of members throughout the UK, Europe and from further afield. Put in the time and effort to get to know people and spend money going to visit them...
  16. The Running with the Fox book is really excellent. Keep an eye open for it in charity shops as they sometimes pop up their. My mother bought me my copy from Oxfam.
  17. Military resettlement packages depend on a lot of things; time served, circumstances of leaving etc. However, everyone is given a resettlement interview and told how they can claim what benefits etc. The system is not perfect and a lot depends on the person leaving as well as his chain of command. Often the post of resettlement officer is a secondary duty, and not all resettlement officers are as knowledgeable as they should be. On the subject of soldiers on the streets, it is a complex issue and there is not an easy explination or an easy answer. There will be as many reasons for home
  18. She would probably do a better job than that TA wanker!
  19. That looks quite important, think he should hold on to that...
  20. Did anyone else read the thread title and get excited thinking CG would soon be single? This site from the CAB has lots of good info on; http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/your_family/family_index_ew/ending_a_marriage.htm
  21. My advice would be to get some legal advice. Nick Freeman is the lawyer known for getting celebrities off speeding wraps. Most solicitors will give you 30mins free advice. Don't just take it. Appeal, ask to see when the camera was last calibrated. Admit nothing, and refuse to talk to the police without a solicitor present. Good luck.
  22. The film is based on the RAF squadron which flew from RAF Scampton in WW2. The Sqn Ldr had a dog called 'Nigger'. The name of the dog is a matter for historical record. Stephen Fry has written the screen play for the new film. He decided that the name was no long acceptable due to modern sensitivities, so the name was changed to 'Digger'. It is a sad reflection on todays society that we have to change history so as not to offend people. It is the thin end of the wedge. It starts with changing a dogs name, and quickly leads onto changing who won what battle.
  23. Smart pups, nice and level. Ive got a pair of litter sisters here which look like they are from entirely seperate breedings!
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