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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. If you say so Wilfy I do say so, see I don't see why we should feel the need to dance round every f****r who is gay, black, crippled, white, left, right, liberal, poor, rich etc etc The whole world is in dire need of a bit of common sense, frankly I am pissed of with all the f*****g " victims" in the world..........in today's culture everything is everyone else's fault. If no one likes the economic situation, hunting ban or chav culture and you ever voted labour then it's your f*****g fault !! If Africa is as poor as a church mouse, it's there f*****g fault for not getting their act
  2. First Aid Cert is £250 tops. DnN has said a subsidised course is avail. Even at full whack and min pay you would make the money back in less than a week. DnN Ive text my bro in law and let him know. Im sure he will be in touch with you soon.
  3. http://www.brnoguns.co.uk/captive.htm
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLlRcefr5vU Muhammed had several wives. Muslims are allowed up to 4 under Islam. The latest one was rather young when he married her...
  5. I'm watching it now. The fanatasism that these pedigree breeders show when chasing a rosette is unbelieveable.
  6. I still have absolutely no idea who the woman is...
  7. I've got a bit of scrap wood (used to be a washing line prop). Its about 4ft long. Ive drilled a hole through it and tied on a bit of bailer twine, about 2ft long. On the end of that I've tied a fox brush. Works really well, although I do get some odd looks when out walking... But the terriers definitely enjoy it. I have noticed an increase in drive and confidence in the 'pet' terrier I have on loan.
  8. Recently moved to North Lincs and I'm looking for some ratting for my young terriers. The Glentham Underground Terrier Society keeps getting mentioned when I ask landowners about ratting. Anyone ever heard of them? Or even better, have some contact details they can PM to me? Thanks Ug
  9. Im appalled at the attitude of many rescue centres in the UK. I recently read a report in a newspaper where a family were adopting a dog. They had to sign a contract stating that the dogs remained the property of the centre, the 'owners' merely looked after them. If the 'owners' couldn't look after the dogs they couldn't be rehomed, but had to go back to the centre. The dogs were also microchipped as belonging to the centre. There are some small independent breed based rescues which seem to do a very good job. But I am deeply suspicious of the large organisations which seem more interest
  10. I was originally looking for a chainsaw, but a strimmer was all I could find second hand. I have a length of pipe off an old gas fire I intend to weld on. Thanks for the advice, I will post a pic when done.
  11. I am converting an old 2 stroke strimmer into a rat smoker. The exhaust box does not have a pipe leading off it, just a hole. What is the best way to attach a pipe? Welding it? Thanks
  12. Put it in a dog waste bin in town...
  13. On an unrelated topic, where do you get your avatars from? And is that the same girl as the last one? just random contacts off facebook Wanna be my fwiend? i'm not gay mate lol, neither am I. Take it you haven't seen the Inbetweeners then...
  14. Bad news on your English Bull Butch. What happened to it? I have absolutely no experience of bull breeds, but I always thought that this seemed like a good exercise plan. I intend on doing something similar with my terriers to prepare them for their first season. http://bogchis.tripod.com/powerhouse.html Roadwork keep. Seems pretty simple and low cost, provided you have the time and your personal fitness is up to it...
  15. On an unrelated topic, where do you get your avatars from? And is that the same girl as the last one? just random contacts off facebook Wanna be my fwiend?
  16. As per my earlier post, I fed my terriers on just pork bone and trimmings when I killed my pigs in December. They didn't seem to suffer any harm from it. There is a lot of literature in old books which reccommend not feeding pork. This is because in the past pigs were fed all sorts of rubbish (slop feeding). With recent increases in food hygiene and more stringent animal diet regulations pork is no better or worse than any other meat in my opinion.
  17. On an unrelated topic, where do you get your avatars from? And is that the same girl as the last one?
  18. My terriers are fed flesh. I buy 1lb blocks of frozen minced chicken and tripe. The pups get 1/2 a pound per day with a handful of kibble. My adult bitch gets 1/4lb per day with kibble. They are getting more in this weather as it is cold and they live out. We killed some pigs in the first week of December. I got 25kg of of bone, trim and offal back from the butcher. All of this was fed to the dogs. They also get any meat table scraps (less bones of course) as well as any bone, trim and offal from any deer I butcher. All of the food less the table scraps is fed raw. They also get a se
  19. What happened to your minature english bull terrier?
  20. I've got galvanised steel panel runs with free standing wooden cabins inside. All stood on a concrete pad (£450). 2 x runs measure 1m x 3m and 2 x runs measure 1.5m x 3m. Panels are 5cm bars. Panels between runs are 3/4 solid. They were £1200 from Tolvi. Cabins were from Ultrakennel, 2 terrier size and large lurcher size (£574). Whole thing was £2124. Was quite expensive but everything apart from the concrete can be stripped down and taken with me when I move.
  21. Have your attractive wife/girlfriend/daughter ask for you
  22. I'm a tail snob and wouldn't have an undocked terrier...
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