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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. Moved about a fair bit for work, but now in East Mids. Probably be moving shortly for the missus work. And I plan on living/working in London in the near future. Wanting to retire early to Europe. Hungary looks really attractive, apart from the difficult as f**k to learn language. Oz/NZ are also looking good. Would like to do some time in France. Republic of Ireland looks good as well.
  2. One of the funniest films I have ever seen. My bro in law was amazed to see that people actually do this in their own time! I would much rather be out with the dogs...
  3. My family and social circle weren't into hunting. I asked a lad on here to take me out and he did. I'm very grateful to him. I now have my own terriers, and I'll never look back...
  4. get one of these; http://www.thesportshq.com/confidence-door-gym.aspx?affiliate=cse_google&utm_source=google&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=shopping&gclid=CLWY3_bc4a8CFeMLtAodv0U1Aw Use it often. Get bigger arms. Or use it to attach a pulley and rope to so you can hoist the goat/deer carcass yourself. If you have an existing child's swing set in the garden, and you can get your truck up to it hang the carcass over the top beam using the truck. Then you can use the truck to skin it!
  5. never thought of the green option lol another surefire way to clear the ground is put a pig on it... Takes ages for even grass to grow back its ploughed up so much When I moved into my house the garden hadn't been touched in 18 months. It was 6ft high. We got a couple of weaners in and they cleared it and ploughed it in 4 months. Killed them in December and we are still eating the pork. You need to have a big freezer though!
  6. http://cheviotvets.co.uk/ try these guys
  7. Muntjac breed all year round, so any mature doe which is shot has a good chance of having a youngster either inside her or on the ground somewhere. Populations will only be controlled by culling females.
  8. Ive got a Remington 700 SPS in 243. It handles well and it not too heavy even with scope mod and bipod.
  9. They will scavenge dead meat. And if they come across some easy meal, like a nest of small rodents or similar I'm sure they wouldn't pass up the oppitunity.
  10. My 6 year old pet terrier will eat fox. She is very greedy though, and will eat most things. My two worker bred black pups wont. There is a lad near me who is doing the '52 meats in 52 weeks' thing. I sorted him out with a couple of fillets from a dog fox which was shot. Had to freeze it for a week or so as I wasn't seeing him for a while. I drove it over to him and it started defrosting in the car. Stank of fox. Apparently he and his girlfriend had it curried for Valentine's Day. I'm shocked he still has a missus, but they both loved it. Said it was like beef. I did tell them to so
  11. http://www.ultrakennels.co.uk/tanalised-ultra-dog-cabin-30w-x-22d-x-28h-p-332.html with a straw bed inside.
  12. As I have said before I recommend all terrier men get their dogs a pet passport and take them on a working holiday to France at least once a year. I also recommend that they join their local badger group and assist them in any way possible. Ensure your dogs are taken to the vets regularly and you have written permission for any and all legal hunting/fox control that you do. Most importantly, don't talk to the police without a solicitor present and don't talk to the RSPCA at all.
  13. I agree, a cracking looking dog. Just never seen a short haired one before.
  14. Smart looking dogs. The GWP doesn't look very wirehaired though. Is he pure bred?
  15. http://wildpro.twycrosszoo.org/S/00Man/MammalHusbandryTechniques/UKMHusbIndTech/cas_release_m_foxes.htm http://www.fieldsportschannel.tv/index.php/backstage/press/44-press-release-animal-charity-releases-foxes-next-to-chicken-run
  16. f*****g incredible isn't it? Rather than PAYING contractors to kill badgers, merely scrap the various Badger Acts and charge people for an annual badger hunting licence...
  17. my daughter makes good profit on shoes and handbags on ebay she sold a bag she paid a quid for ,for quid known her do 600 quid in a month .. http://www.ebay.co.u...01#ht_598wt_932 Seems to be good money in the right market I was reading the description thinking 'why would you make them sound so tatty?' Then the penny dropped... Is it some sort of fetish thing? Or am I missing the point?
  18. Oh ok. Pic probs should have, but I am feeling unusually stupid this morning...
  19. Thanks for that quote RD. But it doesn't define what a badger sett is or mention anything about being ocupied or otherwise. My interpretation would be that it is only classed as a badger sett if actively being used by them? If a sett has been inactive for a prolonged period then it would no longer be classed as a 'badger sett' and so loose its protected status? Be interesting to see if the law does define its use of the term 'badger sett'.... I haven't a clue where to look? The definition of the badger sett contained in section 14 of the 1992 Act is: “any structure or place which
  20. Cos that will definitely get you permission...
  21. As a sweeping generalisation any handgun is pretty inaccurate after 25 metres.
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-17271913
  23. Is that the spray on stock marker? It is quite good stuff, but does fade with time and I imagine that it would be relatively easy to spray over with another colour. A good interim idea though Gem, I will get a can next time I am in town...
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