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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. You can hunt without a German licence if you are a guest of a hunter, I believe. PM erik off here, he is a good lad and will sort you out with some sport I am sure. You are also excellently placed to get into eastern Europe and meet others like Panna and Matoulkah (not sure on that spelling). Be careful of breed specific legislation in some German states. If you are taking any guns with you make sure you jump through all the hoops that BFG insist upon before you actually import the weapons. This will involve you giving up your UK FAC/SGC.
  2. Id pay good money to see you lamping or even better digging in high heels!
  3. Very true stabba. I don't get on with my neighbours and it is just f*****g hassle. A bucket of cold water over them every time they start soon teaches that being noisy in kennels is not allowed. I really like the automatic system shown on the previous page.
  4. As has been said hunts will charge you. But there are some abattoirs which will buy them from you...
  5. Wait until august and then apply through clearing. If a uni has any spaces they may overlook your lack of quals to fill their course.
  6. PJ - I seem to remember from your previous posts that you are ex military. If so, and you have joined but not yet used the Ehanced Learning Credits scheme, the military will pay your uni fees in full. Also, if you are having problems finding a uni, try the Open University, they sometimes have courses which don't require any previous qualifications. It may well be worth looking at unis in England as well. I know a couple of lads doing a Law degree with no previous qualifications. PM me if you want any more info.
  7. Have a look here; www.downsizer.net
  8. That is part of the public consultation on amending the Dangerous Dogs Act. The government are considering making it a criminal offence for your dog to bite an intruder who breaks into your home. I very strongly recommend that anyone with an interest in private property rights, home defence or working dogs fills it out...
  9. The authorities use a series of physical measurements and characteristics to determine if a dog is a banned pit bull type or not. There are 58 I think. "The American Dog Breeders Association's (ADBA) Basis of Conformation for the American Pit Bull Terrier, was and still is used as the 'yardstick' for identification in the courts." from http://www.endangereddogs.com/DDA_Identification.htm It is interesting to note that for such cases, the burden of proof is reversed. ie if a Police Officer says that your dog is of a banned type, then it is down to you to prove that it is not
  10. Im trying out Blackwater's spicy mexican belly pork stew from the Hawgs thread
  11. If you know anyone in the military, try and get along to an inter company boxing event. They are always good craic, and is normally dress uniform/black tie for visitors. Have a look at Centurions Boxing club in the sports centre near Merville Barracks in Colchester.
  12. Im interested in your vehicle. Please PM me your phone number. I cant PM you, no space...
  13. Muntjac at most estates are by the cm of the longest tine. Normally in the region of £25/cm.
  14. I know you got it mate, but 'Earth' said there were others who would need a full explanation, so thought I might as well put it all in.
  15. Its not a magic bullet. If people commit illegal acts then they should be prepared to face the consequences. Like you say, people who are out to get you aren't stupid. If you are caught in the act of digging in a badger sett or they find a dead badger whose DNA matches that or the DNA on your dog, then no amount of moving dead badgers for badger groups or holidays in France will help you. But don't make it easy for them!
  16. fredthefrog, No worries. I do not indulge in illegal activities. I do not condone or encourage anyone who indulges in illegal activities. I am not legally trained. This is not legal advice, or any form of advice. This is merely my own observations based on my own experiences. Recently there has been several TV programmes showing the authorities 'fight against badger baiters'. These programmes often show the Police seizing dogs because they have scars which could only be caused by a badger, or swabbing their mouths or coats looking for badger hair. In order to convict someo
  17. I'm not an anti. I think (hope!) GD Waz gets my point. If you want me to explain it to you fredthefrog, drop me a PM.
  18. I collect road kill badgers for my local badger group. They do autopsies on the corpses and make sure they have not been baited by dogs. They all so collect age sex weight data and make sure than any dead sows are not lactating, so there are no dependent young. These badgers are just placed in the boot of my car, without going in a bag. There will be large amounts of badger DNA and hair in the boot of my car from this legal activity. I encourage any other hunter to do similar, and assist their local badger group in any other way possible.
  19. Believe ,You Stop transport, take a Pic of Kill on road,then the nearest Sign,(location) record time date. Your proof ..? Done this with a Red Squirrel,Badger I'd drive on and buy a Ticketed / stuffed one,if that's what you want..Skulls ? id never seen a badger skull up close the 1st time i found 2 so i lifted them an carried them home, geed them a boil to clean some a the much of them, i mentioned it in conversation to a few mates an to my surprise a couple wanted them so i gove them 2 away an not more than a 6 months later i was walking past same sett an found outside a diffrent
  20. Section 1(3)and (4) of the 1992 Protection of Badgers Act (3) A person is guilty of an offence if, except as permitted by or under this Act, he has in his possession or under his control any dead badger or any part of, or anything derived from, a dead badger. (4) A person is not guilty of an offence under subsection (3) above if he shows that— (a) the badger had not been killed, or had been killed otherwise than in contravention of the provisions of this Act or of the M1Badgers Act 1973; or ( the badger or other thing in his possession or co
  21. GD Waz, whats the craic with earth work on the continent? Is it a case of landowner's permission and crack on? Or do you need to do hunting exams (eg jagdschiener etc?)
  22. What ever he does, don't try the shotgun method... http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/man-removes-wart-with-shotgun-blows-off-finger
  23. I used to work with a lad that went to uni there, he called it Muffbrorough...
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