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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. Violent crime has been on the decline, in the US, for decades. It's now comparable to the 1960's. Home invasions are not a common occurence, and like most 1st world countries are tied in with drugs, and money associated with them. I've not been over to the UK for a short while... Has there been a sudden surge in Port Elizabeth-esque crimes? Gated communities? Shanty towns and tribal wars? To show a 6 minute YouTube clip, of a home invasion in SA, and then say this is what Britain has in-store is nothing other than fear mongering, and outright paranoia. The social/political/financial di
  2. Home invasions are a common occurrence in many US towns and cities. The influx of unskilled 3rd world people into Europe shows no signs of abating. Governments in the EU will not halt this flow. Given enough time, such things will happen frequently in the UK as well.
  3. So what is your suggestion for an alternative system?
  4. Or the corner stone of the UK parliamentary democracy as we know it. Would you rather we went back to only rich landowners being MPs?
  5. Its the same in Parliament. Ms Black won't be making decisions on her own.
  6. pity you didn't have 12g and few secs earlier , and blast a big hole through them . but your right they would have made there life hell if they hadn't run off . a dog a jack terrier, or gsd would have def. give warning that they were there and prob stopped them getting in, as they looked liked scum just after money for a next fix . not like your pro like burglar .! According to the blurb of the vid, this happened in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. SA is not a good place to be a women, and an even worse one to be a white... Home invasions, along with the associated rape
  7. Sad but true mate,just sat here and thought what I would have been passionate about at 20 yrs old....all I could think of was Licensing hours and upping the speed limit I don't doubt shes a clever/well meaning kid.....but she is just that ,a kid Don't judge everyone by your own standards. I know plenty of 40yr olds that shouldn't be in charge of a hamster. The average age of a WW1 infantry platoon commander was 19.
  8. What does her age have to do with it? I think the point he's trying to make is that because she's 20, she may not have developed the life skills or experience necessary to fully participate in decisions which affect the lives of millions of people in the UK. Personally, I agree with him. There are probably exceptions, but I prefer the decisions to be taken by people who at least may have earned a living for a while. In the USA she she wouldn't be trusted to buy an alchoholic drink. She has been chosen by her constituents. They seem to think there is nothing wrong with her age. In th
  9. Did you read the article? It says they won't vote as it is a matter which does not affect Scotland...
  10. unlacedgecko

    Filas ?

    i didnt realise that. i looked into them not to long ago as i thought they would make me a decent working lurcher if crossed with a grey. i have read that there is sometimes gsd blood added to them very occasonally at times but have never seen any mention of bull blood being added to them. The KNPV dogs are still regularly outcrossed with Belgian Mals, GSDs and the odd bull, they don't give a fook about keeping things pure it's all about working ability, just how it should be My mate who I train with has a herder with an 1/8 very well bred bull blood in it.Proper full on dog with off the sca
  11. unlacedgecko

    Filas ?

    99% of home security dogs probably go their whole lives never having to stop a man but you don't know how many would be burglars they've deterred just by being there. If all you're after is home security an alarm and maybe a yappy f****r would be all you need but if you enjoy owning this sort of dog why not add an extra layer to your home defences? Personally of all the guard dogs I've owned only one has actually had to do the deed on my property and he did everything I'd expect of him, held the scrote in a corner pissing his pants until I got home and dealt with it Well I was hoping you
  12. Congrats. I know what you mean re weird aspirations...
  13. Driving for a living I rarely drink these days. Used to drink quite a bit as a young man. Once had 12 pints of Fosters in an afternoon. Hangover from that lasted 5 years...
  14. I want to be clear, everybody is obliged to do some disgusting things. No moral sentence IMO. I have to sort out the beautiful and the disgusting before to post anything on facebook. You have a wonderful hunting culture in France. I wish we had similar here, then perhaps badger hunting would still be legal.
  15. Its one of the benefits of being self employed. Tax evasion is a moral duty. As an offshore worker I'm sure you could become self employed if you wanted... 'They' don't avoid paying their tax bills, but they work to reduce them as much as possible. I don't this many of them worry abiu NHS waiting lists or school either, what with there being health insurance and private education.
  16. I'm always unhappy with my tax bill Dave... lol It really pissed me off when my accountant tell me how much tax I have to pay I begrudge even 1 penny going to the likes of those on Benefit street Sounds like you need a better accountant lol
  17. He's not the only one. I'm pretty unhappy with mine. Fortunately my accountant said I could save money by buying a new car, so I'm off to the Merc showroom later...
  18. Google the Scottish disclosure servic .
  19. Walshie got pair of 6 ft ornament electric gates now socks,keep the rabble out Socks if you play your cards right he might hire you as head gardener...
  20. Paying her a grand and not even living there and still managed to pay rent where you was living and save money? f***ing hell what you do for aliving lol Back then I was in the Army in Belfast. I bought my house after my first tour of Afghanistan. Truck driving us a little less lucrative, but the risk of death is less.
  21. I left home at 18. When I was 20 I was giving my mother £1000/month to help her with the house. I did that for 18 months. When I was 23, she gave me some of it back. Together with the money I had saved I bought my first house.
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