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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. Its all about contacts. I've offered lads pups from proven parents (working certificate and dug to all European quarry, Serbian Asstraa vom Asstraada lines), delivered to your door for E800. But no one wants to put there hand in their pocket. Proven working dogs/bitches are avail for E1200. There are black and tan terriers avail from the pound for E35. But are they jagdterrier? Jagd terriers mate ther evry were on all them foreign none English speaking sites cheep as chips that Von asstraada line they all seem to go back to that Astor is a very famous Serbian dog. There are some good
  2. Its all about contacts. I've offered lads pups from proven parents (working certificate and dug to all European quarry, Serbian Asstraa vom Asstraada lines), delivered to your door for E800. But no one wants to put there hand in their pocket. Proven working dogs/bitches are avail for E1200. There are black and tan terriers avail from the pound for E35. But are they jagdterrier?
  3. Well I'll be in the queue for both With women, I prefer blondes. But good terriers are never a bad colour...
  4. Ahahaha. Wish I had been there to see that. Pulled all manner of weird and wonderful stuff out the lab over the years...
  5. Which Serbian lines do you have?The website claims asstraata. There is no more detail than that. Who did you get your dogs off Richard?
  6. Yes this is terrible and these men should be punished, but where the hell are these girls parents?If my daughter came home and told me that she, or one of her friends, was getting groomed by a much older man of any ethnicity or religion I would do something about it. Yes poor parenting, also in many cases the girls are in care. I hear that a lot, but even girls in care have someone responsible for them, be it a social worker or a foster parent (or more likely both!). Being in care is no excuse for anything.
  7. pure springer wont hunt line of a fox. You can bush foxes with Spaniels,its just the gundog lads stop them.. A few years ago there was pics of a team of Spaniels used purely for fox drives,that went all over the country in EDRD...It all depends on how you bring them up,and Spaniels aint as soft as some think..Your right there. Many years ago overseas I knew a pure cocker spaniel that would work with terriers for all quarry.
  8. Yes this is terrible and these men should be punished, but where the hell are these girls parents? If my daughter came home and told me that she, or one of her friends, was getting groomed by a much older man of any ethnicity or religion I would do something about it.
  9. So do the Welsh and the Scots. In fact, the English are the only ones in the UK to pay for water or prescriptions.
  10. REALLY........ I ve sha*ged some beautiful married woman off sites like that, they know the score we both married all they want is a good seeing too! Most the ones I ve been with their hubby's are lorry drivers and away at weeks at a time!!I'm a lorry driver. God help any man I catch with my wife..........and your wife ? Take two, after all..... I've never raised my hand to a woman in .y life. She's also the mother of my son, and I'm a massive hypocrite. But I came to terms with that a long time ago...
  11. REALLY........ I ve sha*ged some beautiful married woman off sites like that, they know the score we both married all they want is a good seeing too! Most the ones I ve been with their hubby's are lorry drivers and away at weeks at a time!!I'm a lorry driver. God help any man I catch with my wife...Same fate as those prostitutes, eh? I like to keep my hand in
  12. I've got a non runner N reg 5 door disco. £800 and its yours. M5 junc 13.
  13. REALLY........ I ve sha*ged some beautiful married woman off sites like that, they know the score we both married all they want is a good seeing too! Most the ones I ve been with their hubby's are lorry drivers and away at weeks at a time!! I'm a lorry driver. God help any man I catch with my wife...
  14. There was a church of free sports set up around the time of the parliament march. It was put up on the old sites for everyone to sign. Remember? Don't know if you can search the old sites, but if you can. Yes I remember all that. It was in EDRD aswell. St Hubert and all that, it came to nothing.Yep EDRD, moochers the original site and this one as well at the very beginning. If I remember correctly, there had to be a certain amount of followers to make it a bonafida religion. 100,000 people were needed to make 'Jedi' a religion at the 2005 census.
  15. Para para in the sky...
  16. There is an 8 month springer/Collie x staffie for sale on FB near me. They are only wanting £ for it. Could be worth a punt for winter?
  17. You would think so wouldn't you? I'd go a step further and harvest their blood,bone marrow and organs as needed. Would you really want the risk of passing on a fcuked up gene some how and would you have a nonces blood put into your arm as i'd rather die than risk having that shite inside me personaly..They use Beagles due to there caring and calm temprament gnasher and it's quite a pure breed so the reslts from testing are constant as it were... They are also quite small dogs which tend to have decent litter sizes...
  18. Learning a foreign language is a great skill. I know a tiny amount of French and the odd word in some of the Eastern European languages. My son will be learning Mandarin from 3.
  19. I think its f***ing criminal that people have to slink off to a shabby hotel room in a foreign country to die at a time of their choosing. There are people in the UK who have to live in such conditions that the RSPCA would prosecute for if they were animals. What a mixed up country we live in when its legal to destroy an unborn fetus, but illegal to help someone end their own life, regardless of their quality of life. Do you know these girls personally TC?
  20. I've never seen it written so went with phonetics. Stupid me, applying English phonetics to Welsh! Taught to me by a rather cute ginger mechanic in Suffolk. It's been vital in dealing with arsey Welsh sub-contractors. They always looked rather shocked when it comes from a well spoken Englishman...
  21. Oops. You have to be f***ing stupid to disobey or fight with cops anywhere, but especially in the US. To be fair, they do a challenging job under adverse conditions. If I were a police officer I would be taking any action I thought necessary to make sure I got home safe to my family at night. Probably best for all concerned that I'm not really!
  22. The only Welsh I've ever needed is 'kina geg!'.
  23. A screw driver can kill as quickly as a knife. As a soldier in Northern Ireland I was taught that anyone withba knife within 10ft of you could be considered a lethal threat. He was well within 10ft, holding a screwdriver (which he refused to put down despite being told to) and moved towards the officers. If it had been me holding the gun I would hat shot the centre of mass and eliminated the threat just like the officers did. The fact the killer had mental illness would have been scant comfort to an officers widow.
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