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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. I'd say your wrong there as well. It's not that wolves are lacking in bravery, but as a wild animal they have a healthy self preservation instinct, as a wounded wolf which cannot hunt will starve to death. The thread below shows Serbian pit bulls and Turkish kangals being eaten by wolves. These are European wolves, so a bit smaller that the North American timber wolf, but still plenty big enough. WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS http://carnivoraforum.com/topic/10039802/1/ That said, they are quite happy to fight to the death for territory or breeding rights amongst their own kind. Yo
  2. I reckon if he ran 2 or 3 dogs the wolves wouldn't have come near. It'd be a different story if the dogs actually attacked the wolves though. I think you're wrong. In the story below wolves attacked a group of 4 bear hounds. 2 were killed immediately (and partially eaten). The other 2 managed to somehow escape, although one nearly froze to death in a river doing so. WARNING, GRAPHIC PHOTOS https://thegreatwhitehunter.wordpress.com/wolves-kill-hunting-hounds/
  3. Couldn't watch the whole vid. That's really nasty. In the U.S. They have a massive problem with wolves eating hounds. And stock. So much so, that recently the grey wolf had hunting restrictions lifted, and several hundred were killed. The MacKenzie Valley wolf (the one re-released in the lower 48) was not the wolf which was driven to extinction there. It is much larger and more aggressive. We're wolves ever re-introduced into the UK we would face similar problems, only much worse with our small overpopulated island. Anyone who thinks wolves for the UK are a good idea wants thei
  4. Trust me I'm doing plenty of that as well
  5. If you could give it a go that would be great!
  6. So that when they find the land/work for the dog they are well placed to use it. No point in having loads of permission then saying to landowners "can't help you I've got no dog". You'd look a right tit then...
  7. I didn't bring my lamping gear unfortunately. Apparently, I'm smack bang in the middle of a national park, so may be giving the hunting a miss. Hope the sea is calm for fishing tomorrow though!
  8. they have just said on the the news right now that the hurricane is about to hit mexico at 300+ kph, This shit can get real bad really quickly but they will be ready Especially in Cancun they won't want tourists flattened by a bit of wind That's on the Pacific side. I'm in Cancun on the Caribean Coast.
  9. Google translate tells me that means "not cool Mama". Somehow I don't think that accurate... What does it really mean?
  10. Beautiful dog mate. They certainly are a breed I would like to work one day...
  11. nice looking dog mate, the two at the end of our lane are a bit bigger and are a dark brindle with goldie/yellow coloured eyes which really does look mean, they are obviously guard dogs as there is a sign on the gates saying........."do not get out of your car,toot your horn and i will come" pit bulls.You sure they're not Presa Canarios? A lot of them get imported cropped and your description is spot on.Tilly is in Canada. Everything with a short coat and bully head gets cropped over there...image.jpgIt does make them look well 'ard though, doesn't it? Jesus Christ that's a fecking monstrosi
  12. nice looking dog mate, the two at the end of our lane are a bit bigger and are a dark brindle with goldie/yellow coloured eyes which really does look mean, they are obviously guard dogs as there is a sign on the gates saying........."do not get out of your car,toot your horn and i will come" pit bulls. You sure they're not Presa Canarios? A lot of them get imported cropped and your description is spot on.Tilly is in Canada. Everything with a short coat and bully head gets cropped over there... It does make them look well 'ard though, doesn't it?
  13. What's a bucket of KFC? It's finger licking good. Wouldn't use that or breakfast to describe Mushroom...
  14. There is a strain of Bob tailed Boxer now available. I am led to believe that this was achieved through cross breeding with corgis... http://bobtailboxers.com/the-cross-corgi-ex-boxer
  15. Thanks, but I don't think this is a genuine offer. Also, guns aren't really my thing. If I get caught short and need directions to the nearest hedge, I've got you on speed dial
  16. Cheers for the heads up. I've booked a fishing trip for Saturday. The weather has been very kind, with all rain confined to darkness hours. I shall research Akumal. We are looking at going to Xcerat next week.
  17. Surely performance is all that matters?
  18. That's not, but I'm pretty sure "Strikeback" is!
  19. Got another week. Do you have any contacts in the area?mmor are you not on speaking terms with the ex?
  20. What's wrong with cocktails? My love affair with them began back in 2006 when an older gentleman introduced me to the joys of the banana dackery (gay yellow cocktail). Since then I have often enjoyed a strawberry dackery (gay red cocktail). I'm always looking to experience new gay cocktails...But croc hunting does look decent. I'll definitely give it a go! You know if you take away 'tail' in that paragraph it really is quite a funny read...Just to clear up any confusion, I'm on honeymoon with my blonde busty wife. I'm not a homosexual. I just like a nice gay cock every now and again. Not
  21. We're Preferred Club at the Now Sapphire and it's absolutely outstanding. The buffet is of an extremely high quality (with hot plates where chefs will cook various protein to order). But there are also 7 a la carte restaurants you can eat at for lunch and dinner. I had a fillet steak last night and it was so tender I could have eaten it with just a spoon. The staff are friendly and attentive. Two days ago we went to see the Mayan ruins of Chitchen Itza, which were simply amazing. When you consider the sheer volume of material the Mayans moved, and all without wheels, it's fairly mind blow
  22. What's wrong with cocktails? My love affair with them began back in 2006 when an older gentleman introduced me to the joys of the banana dackery (gay yellow cocktail). Since then I have often enjoyed a strawberry dackery (gay red cocktail). I'm always looking to experience new gay cocktails...But croc hunting does look decent. I'll definitely give it a go! You know if you take away 'tail' in that paragraph it really is quite a funny read... Just to clear up any confusion, I'm on honeymoon with my blonde busty wife. I'm not a homosexual. I just like a nice gay cocktail every now
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