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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. Fucks sake, can't you even stock break a dog...
  2. Who the piss looks at post counts and then uses that figure to gauge wether the member is a genuine dog man/woman or not? Haha. That's the most bizarre thing I've read on here for a long time. I do. That's why I think your so good with the dogs Mr 10k...
  3. unlacedgecko


    bloke was shot why...he was taking dickie books[family allowance books] as security depriving kids of a bit of grub and obviously the word got back to the paramillatries who rightly or wrongly see themselves as the law in some areas here so they 6,packed him as a warning to others.as for your ronnie pickering remark about not walking away he would know the score about making any come back,attempt it and you get stiffed.not condoning it but thems the rules . More likely the Provos wanted the business...
  4. unlacedgecko


    This is honestly quite impressive, you managed to build up a property portfolio, spend "too much" time in the army (why are you so vague about your service record ) and father 5 kids all before your mid 20s. Where do you find the time. Oh and you had a full time job too Too much time doesn't necessarily mean a particularly long time,though I won't go into that with strangers online,if you or anyone else here doesn't believe me then so be it. Stolen valour it is then. I've worked full time since I left school,most decent young men do,in fact while doing up my first house I had 2 jobs.
  5. unlacedgecko


    This is honestly quite impressive, you managed to build up a property portfolio, spend "too much" time in the army (why are you so vague about your service record ) and father 5 kids all before your mid 20s. Where do you find the time. Oh and you had a full time job too Too much time doesn't necessarily mean a particularly long time,though I won't go into that with strangers online,if you or anyone else here doesn't believe me then so be it. Stolen valour it is then. I've worked full time since I left school,most decent young men do,in fact while doing up my first house I had 2 jobs.
  6. unlacedgecko


    This is honestly quite impressive, you managed to build up a property portfolio, spend "too much" time in the army (why are you so vague about your service record ) and father 5 kids all before your mid 20s. Where do you find the time. Oh and you had a full time job too Lol. I love the Internet...
  7. it was an Isuzu rodeo that broke down lol but I do agree with you, their a cracking motor and when it come to a real working pick up there's not much can touch the Isuzu apart from the hiluxEdited as it was a rodeo not a trooper Hilux are famous for being mechanically immortal. However, their towing capacity is inferior to the Ranger's. The 16 plate Hilux has an upgraded towing capacity. L200 are supposed to be cracking trucks. When I win the lottery/save enough I'll get a Hilux, as I don't need to tow more than 2800kg.
  8. If I were single, this is the kind of shepherdess I'd get along with.... emma gray shepherdess (Google images)
  9. unlacedgecko


    I'd have you on the f***ing street. And you've the nerve to call bailiffs bankrupt. Like I said on the other thread 'want it, pay for it, earn it'. Aye, borrow beyond your means, then declare your self bankrupt and let the tax payer pick up the bill for housing/clothing/feeding you...
  10. Can't like mods but My wife works full time and our 2 yr old son is in nursery full time (0730-1800) 5 days a week. We have a girl collect him from the house in a morning, but one of us gets him most evenings. I work 6-7 days a week with my various ventures. To have the life we want we need both incomes. My son hasn't suffered for it, and is better behaved than many stay at home parents. I don't judge anyone their life choices. I believe in 'you want it, you pay for it, you earn it'. Fcuk what anybody else thinks lol.
  11. yes not saying that but what about those serving queen and country what would you say to them have you been on the front line whats your experience of active duty jack They're dramatically underrepresented as % of the population last I heard,or British born ones at least. Our soldiers are fighting pointless wars and have been for a long time,they should be here keeping the Asians and Africans out. i agree pointless wars but there still represented and how long did you serve for Too long. Not that serving makes you anymore British,a paki can never be British,I don't care if he
  12. Abu chops them up don't he? image.jpg The angel of death, gotta give it to him he's not on here chatting shit he's out there doing a bit lol atb AT I'm pleased that he is combatting Daesh, but don't go thinking th at makes him a great guy. According to his Wiki entry (not the best source I know) he was a member of Muqtada Al-Sadar's Mahdi Army. For those of you with short memories, it was the Mahdi Army that Y Company 2PWRR defended CIMIC house against in 2004. This engagement was made famous by the book "Sniper 1", written by the sniper platoon's commander. why who are you? Atb AT I'm
  13. Abu chops them up don't he? image.jpg The angel of death, gotta give it to him he's not on here chatting shit he's out there doing a bit lol atb AT I'm pleased that he is combatting Daesh, but don't go thinking th at makes him a great guy. According to his Wiki entry (not the best source I know) he was a member of Muqtada Al-Sadar's Mahdi Army. For those of you with short memories, it was the Mahdi Army that Y Company 2PWRR defended CIMIC house against in 2004. This engagement was made famous by the book "Sniper 1", written by the sniper platoon's commander.
  14. Yes. It will be to test reactions and observe the procedures of the security services. Afghan Taliban used to deliberately maim children to observe the security forces' response. Female toddlers in vats of boiling water was the favourite.
  15. If your going to carry our a suicide attack, maybe you would like us to know that you came across open borders from Syria. Why would you give a shit either way, you are going to die The purpose of a terror attack is not to kill people, it's to spread terror, to advance political objectives by violent means. ISIS are seeking the establishment of a world wide caliphate governed by their own particular interpretation of Islam. They believe that the best way to do this is to bring about open conflict between Muslims (of any denomination) and kafirs. By making it known that the attackers
  16. Sounds perfectly sensible to allow people with a long and proven track record to carry a concealed weapon......its the day course Andy Mcnab wannabee,s im not so sure of. It doesn't have to be a day course It could be far more stringent than military weapon handling tests,there will be people who post on here much more competent than a lot of soldiers. I would like to know who the people on here are that are much more competent than soldiers .......Must admit i found that a curious comment as well ....im sure theres some pretty competent footballers on here as well but im not sure abou
  17. I'm really looking forward to it. Been an ambition since I read "The Hound and Rifle in British Ceylon" by Sir Samuel Baker. Just unfortunate there is a total hunting ban in Sri Lanka now.
  18. The point I was trying to make, but badly worded in retrospect, is that if you go back 2000 years then a large proportion of the indigenous population is now 'foreign to these shores', as Patchthedog described Christianity. However I did not mean that they came from the Middle east at all! According to jok, your not a "true Islander" anyway. Best piss off back to your own island in the Indian Ocean... On the flip side I hear the weather there is amazing lol. I'm planning a holiday there next year to ch Eco out all the ancient ruins...
  19. Donna, where you been all my life?
  20. Until you find an alternative for Arabian oil, they won't.
  21. The trouble with that is how would anyone know the peaceful muslims from the hate filled backstabbing cowardly extremists? Should we just hope all the muslims we meet are the peaceful ones then one day possibly regret that decision? Or should we keep our guard up and avoid any further "surprises"? It might be less than ideal for the peaceful ones, but as I said earlier, their feelings have little bearing on keeping my countrymen safe. Of course we should keep our guard up and improve it even, but it is an overreaction imo to fear every muslim just in case they might be a terrorist or
  22. Do you not remember 7/7 or the failed attack shortly afterwards?
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