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Everything posted by keg

  1. im just about to start looking for a new terrier box and coller but cant aford a bellmont can any one tellme what the deban mk 3 is like or advise me on enything in this price range
  2. 300 so how much are they from B/F
  3. tell them to mind there own buisness to many busy bodys [bANNED TEXT]
  4. keg


    just wondering if there was any kickboxing fans to chat to
  5. keg


    tyson fury is shit can you honnestly se him fighting hay or clitchko (i dont think so)
  6. look nice trout mate how you gona cook them
  7. thats what you get when your fed gun fodder all the time
  8. i can never understand wye people want to cross breed in this way. it happens in the falconry world as well who in right mind wants to cross a perfecty good peragrin falcon with a saker ext, bye a goss, like most on hear say wye cross a good patt with anything at all .
  9. who do you think then lads could be a hard night for khan
  10. thats just great somone from norway telling us about badger digging on our own uk site and we are supposed to put up with this crap come on then mod start looking after your own for a change
  11. well done mate nice to se some of us still using the deben still
  12. whats this line of / your a ruthless little c..t liam but i have no time for grasses feed him to the pigs erroll
  13. some interesting things on here i use paroxide every day in my taxidermy jod never on a dog will give that a try theres things on here i have never herd of
  14. i was justs thinking of all the people i have been digging and hunting with the all seem to cleen there cuts and bruises up different persanaly i after a dig i use .wash them down with iBisrub so its clean then i dene
  15. i tell you what all this about 1 turd i bet you all have a pile of crap in your dog runs .in fact i no you have cos i no most of you . if you have something to say to him tell him at a dog show when you see him and stop hiding the wife [be my geust ]
  16. traper go on[ taxidermy net ] you will get some on there
  17. has enyone got eny boxing/kickboxing bags for sale in nottingham middlands district, has i train kids boxing kickboxing and just moved in new gym
  18. keg

    stuff a fox

    there is some good info on u tube and j hallet for your parts if you want any instrutions pm me and i will give you my number i am a full time taxidermist
  19. keg

    getting bit

    some nasty bites there . this is not rearly a bite but i bet all you folconers can relate to this one i had a goshawlks talon under my thumb nail
  20. keg

    getting bit

    good god kurgan i wouldent mind getting bit bye those
  21. keg

    getting bit

    i just wonderd whots the worst thing you have been bitten with i have been bit with fox and badger [france] it was fecking murder lets hear your tales
  22. keg


    if the bnp got in we would still find somthing to fecking moan about
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