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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. Seen the title...and thought it was a Porno with those names... What a load of bollocks..
  2. Is that for one of your boys Joe?
  3. Daniel cain


    If you want to go swimming in a council run pool here,you have to book slots in advance.. been like it since the plannedemic...
  4. Too much money involved...where will all the fancy hat lot go and make a complete cnut of themselves?
  5. Mate my Wheaton x bitch is 27 tts and 80/90 lb fighting weight...had her out ferreting from first jabs with longnets etc,around the harris/gos hawks, she's done everything you would use a whippet/smaller dog for,she loves the deer,that's what she's mostly used for,she comes out ratting,on the moles with me, people have told me she only be good for one thing...she runs forest blocks,hills,even been down on the chalk/flint and put plenty to bed,I believe you expose a dog to as much as you can,as young as you can,giving them the opportunity to pick it all up,they learn when to use their speed, s
  6. Giving a pup dropped rabbits in middle of a field...is lazy imo,better to let them mouth a few ferreting first... Don has always been able to attract moths to the flame... without even trying...he's a fanny magnet for wallopers
  7. Started watching a series called GREY on Netflix...
  8. Gifted this one to a member on here along with a terrier bitch.. Miss it if I'm honest
  9. I like that little bitch of yours Hull... quality
  10. Smart pup ...atvb with it Steve
  11. Works for me ,easier to feed and clean
  12. Mine have sleeping boxes and a 2.5m X 2.5m covered run with a concrete floor ,easy to clean with the jet wash..my hobs snipped and is in with the 4 jills all year round ...
  13. We got a Skoda Octavia Vrs...been bombproof Been looking at these Google Image Result for https://img.cdn.dragon2000.net/C3725/U163/IMG_12293-large.jpg IMAGES.APP.GOO.GL
  14. Seen that....couple of cockerpoos...maybe he was taking them back from an Ex? Some other peddlar? It's not like he can hide for too long,they got his mugshot,and will know everything about him?to have his name,he must be known to the victim
  15. Steak,mash and eggs for me...
  16. In fairness she's a cheap date
  17. My Mrs asked for some flowers.. So I got her some of her favourites....
  18. Wouldn't feed that shite to my dogs Walt
  19. It's the same every time I've ever gone abroad since being a kid...you get the fat greedy gluttonous all exclusive cnuts,eating and drinking all day,propping up the bar, being a nuisance....so every f***ing normal person,payed the same, has a limited choice...one of the reasons I'm not to bothered to go abroad these days,bought a motorhome, plenty of places interesting enough in the UK...
  20. Should of told the chopsy cnut... anymore out bursts like that....and it's the price of a box on top
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