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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. Use this stuff mate you can get it in a tablet as well....my Nan and mother both used to go on about worming the kids lol... Anyone take that Damascus earth dust?
  2. Wormed myself and my kids for years...
  3. Farage...is not the Saviour,you all hope he is...Slimy, slippery looking greaseball...with his snout in the trough....there's more chance of the hunting ban being overturned, that there EVER being an honest politician with the people's best interests at heart, in this country...
  4. Got a nice rhyme too it....
  5. Lives next door to a lad I used to work with... family are known story tellers...
  6. Timberland boots(Euro hiker)been shit since the 2000's imo, bought my first pair in 93/94...only binned them off last year ...still got a pair of Rockport and Kickers under the bed...
  7. Sorry to hear this Ray, RIP Buck
  8. Keep putting the bait in there,and enjoy it
  9. I've not been near a river after barbel for months might dust my rods off this weekend, before the season ends..
  10. Rifle lads are wiping them out around me...I got a few places I like to go and sit out and watch cubs every season...over run with the black and white fellas,bump into them more the last 5 years out and about on top in the day time than I can ever remember
  11. I hope today finds both Jok and dytkos Dave well
  12. Or I forgot....The look like your Kurdish Barber with them girls leggings,no socks and trainers look... Not forgetting the Plastic Peaky Blinders/Love Island lot ... Tomo,I pull off the 'Gyppo' look the best...
  13. These days it's the Trans look or Roadman styleeee...
  14. You want to keep that quiet.. .the one person you should always make sure gets their drink....is the Taxman... anyone else you can f**k off to a certain extent
  15. Best fox dog I've seen single handed killed 7 in a row one night...was out in the morning and it caught and dispatched another 2...there's still lads out there who travel about and do big numbers weekly
  16. Love my old skool leisure wear....the basketball vest Ive owned since the early 90's..my mate brought it back from a holiday to America for me along with a Charlotte Hornets jacket(police took it,never got it back)got a few pairs of Adidas samba,troop, puma, fila trainers still...
  17. Fingers crossed,that you get home today Dave
  18. The only side effects I've ever had from smoking weed on and off for 33 yrs...is I don't have dreams at night,I've given it up a few times,I regularly go a few weeks or months without it,every year ,I use it ,it doesn't control me ,that I got to lose my head and smash up the Mrs and house easy come easy go Keith...our government tell you it's no good for you...but we export more medicinal cannabis per yr than any other country...and guess who owns and runs it all? Our government...says it all
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