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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. Rekon I need a bigger fish cage They were a big ol plaice It’s nice when some one else does the cooking ?? I dived and speared that plaice while NK was supping a beer thinking what to have off the menu ??
  2. Great work trev did the knotted hanky and flip flops come out ? ?
  3. Was used as ink moons ago. Got these on me compost heap arry wat u rek I’m thinking false parasols
  4. They are edible and really nice one of my faves just before they open but don’t drink alcohol with them
  5. It was mate top chef in ther serves up some serious hare dishes
  6. Went out for dinner other day went for the pigeon and venison cottage pie was proper nice ? one of the only local place that serves local wild game meat
  7. It’s a dairy milk situation ? sorry for the confusion
  8. Ya right bud il just stick to me cornflakes ????????
  9. That’s handy Avin that Turkish takeaway up the road from you x cnts forgot to give you chilli sauce the tight cnts ?
  10. You should drive with ya lights on it helps avoid collisions ??????????
  11. It’s a crash lol ? mind you were lucky to get a shot of the impact ???
  12. Ok it was ground chick boy powder if that helps ??can’t see a problem in that unless you twist it round to suite ya logic or height or preference ? Some things are best left in the cooking thread where everything is self explanatory in cooking terms ??
  13. Chick peas not chick boys ?
  14. I used natural yogurt or the best thickener is gram flour which is powdered chick peas last night was one half pint of water and can of coconut milk and gram flour ?
  15. It’s an underworld thing lol
  16. VThey prob one of the hardest trees to grow but curry leaves make the dish real along with home grown chillis my curry plant struggls along
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