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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. Maybe if it was just another drive by shooting in the hood where a little girl looses her life but this scum bag is martyr material to the kneel squad can’t see it blowing away just yet ,,,,
  2. Can’t see how they spin this terrible event into a narrative that fits
  3. Read that earlier she sounded off bit early think regret them words now the rapper is identified
  4. How are the bias media gonna work this one ?
  5. Bacon sausage gear with enough biscuits n goodies il become a member ?
  6. One thing I did notice was the lure resembled a shredded magic carpet of plastic bags not the small furry thing of yrs back will add went racing once with a few ped whippets one of them won more stakes coursing pre ban than any other ped whippet the other hadn’t been led up by any dog they both jumped out half way not interested lol same as lure coursing no real runner plays that game but it’s all fun at end of day and it’s good to get beaten out of ya zone ? I love me sloth peds whippets ?
  7. Too true mate I turned up at a Club yrs ago with two ped whippets looking for a race but weren’t allowed as it was a non ped gang in the end they let me have a run with me rabbit catchers and the pair ran half hearted fencing each other for 50 yards then tipped it bolox lol
  8. Thers no dramatics with this club it’s a bit of fun but in amongst them are some serious non ped folk who got some serious speedballs and can do a bit of work this is big land boy area most have his blood , d g dog In pic far left of deerhound I seen out on open ground few yr back incred speed and commitment
  9. Think charts put up a pic of a non ped lighter than 15 lb other wk the non peds throw out some very diff weights in a litter the sire to the little one is 17lb
  10. Had a look over local club to me early this morning peds non peds and all sorts little n large 15lb the smallest runner up to deerhound runners nice bunch of folk no shortage of tea n snacks on offer ?
  11. Isn’t it how this left wing narrative is going over there. Ban legal held guns cos the good ol Yankee boys keep em. But want to defund the police who catch the bad boys who got guns illegal , Get rid of gas guzzlers cos Yankee boys own em , trash the ther flag cos the Yankee boys love ther flag , twist the Yankee boys kids minds at school with crt and gender ball bag education , have all these highly paid folk uttering the same white supremacy shit over n over again Brainwashing folk into believing gangs of white people hinting em down when gun crazy gang bangers shooting up ther own in Chi
  12. Media says poor Jacob Blake innocent man false BLM let’s hav a peaceful riot trump says il send in nationa gaurd. Dem guv says no let the peaceful rioters burn the place down owners of small businesses in downtown Kenosha can folk come help us ? One was Kyle With a proper gun. Up steps a peaceful nonce case who try’s to kill the lad he gets his justice up steps another peaceful scumbag activist try’s beat him with skate board boom another saving for the authorities. Next up another wrong un did you point gun at boy and threaten to kill him ? Yes boom ? he gets off with sore arm ,then
  13. If we could flick a dual switch all them insulate would be nicked and all the nice folk crossing the channel would hit a tidal wave that returned them to the place of origin but carlsberg don’t do dual switches ? if I made switches well the list is endless lol
  14. If wilf was on the way to a West Ham cup game and they blocked the road am sure it’ll be a different. View ?
  15. Sure ther be fine getting superglued on all fours ?
  16. How’s that work out for ya Ben ?
  17. That’s how you cook a piece of shit
  18. None of the dishes in slow pot are covered mate
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