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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. Guessing cos you viewed at it as a special achievement and rightly so ?
  2. Agree same with the little runners only a very few can achieve and I mean very few , back then they got ther work cut out as killing not on our agenda stop and think about that ? You got a special dog that can do it so you make it harder so it’s harder on the dog
  3. That’s where we differ I’ve had dogs that can catch but they get the hard life I never been interested in easy with dogs n fishing can’t see the point or I could lower me n dogs bar and reap numbers but that achieves nothing does it really
  4. So how easy do you want it ? A dog bred to kill a thermal to make life easier and a lamp that lights up the moon and all the summer to knock em over hang on while I lololol
  5. Ya muppet I never used a thermal never needed to I spot em long before you worked out it’s a stone giving heat off the morning sun or worked out it’s a partridge or a hedgehog taking a stroll ? guessing you own a fish finder for when u go fishing lol
  6. Not with his thermal he sees hedgehogs ya know ? add on the 500m lamp nothing is safe day or night ?
  7. Never gave him an easy life he still catching at 9 how’s yours doing if they make it t 9 ??
  8. Mc be all over that but you clueless on the animal you seek even on slop ??
  9. They not normal them cnts ? il never eat a Pygmy goat again ?
  10. Something very wrong with them village elders surely they play bingo ?
  11. It’s a cake walk compared to beavers on different continents ??
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