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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. And a whippet is faster than both of them ????????
  2. Gathered up some samphire sea spray and bladderwrack off the marsh spiced up some prawns n mackerel new potatoes in oven ?
  3. You got and never will have anything as good as lucky ? good ol Essex bred dog ?
  4. You want me to bring pie n mash lol
  5. I not be in a tent mate either hired a motor home ??????? app the beat are playing ? hope the weather holds good you taking ya scooter ?
  6. Bet your glad mushroom helped you out
  7. Sabre toothed helmet sucker bird of paradise it’s a abundant this time of yr
  8. She was a bitch that over excelled she killed enough to make you happy and when she passed I was done with the game and a great game it was and then it was banned it’s all history now you can’t run against to see wats infront of wat so it’s over
  9. She sure was a one off I got her sister’s offspring and lower but they not in her league I’d hav no prob putting her in deep end she make yer hair stand on end
  10. Lol I done with that game yep I keep a few dogs but it’s over last girl I pts would have blown you away she be all over em like a rash would have made you think twice she wer 20lb and 17 TTS. Would have have been working them while yours wer moving up gears ? but you not seen I’ve seen coursed thousands so I can judge you can guess lol
  11. as we know there’s hare then there’s hares/// oh yes but i ran ground legally after the greys and after the all breeds and after the Sal x and we still had sport on the best running ground I know it pains ya but it was brilliant ?
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