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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. I feel sympathy and empathy for all our vets and pensioners feel grateful for all the people involved in helping our own , but I could ne give a fk how many flies are in ther eyes or have died making the crossing to get here or all them winging wailing double edged cnts moaning a bomb has blown ther relatives up but think nothing of wanting to bomb ther opponents , if it we me the daleks would control immigration be friends with Russia and blow the fk out of Kim jong
  2. Russia isn’t a baddie the USA democratic war machine is a world problem Be more reason and financially be benificial to give them the Dalek treatment “exterminate “
  3. Agree mate be far easier and less problematic to level the shithole and open a giant car park
  4. Back in the day we was unloading cannons on china. From boats over something trivial like heroin nowadays we suck up to USA over oil and this trade deal that Obama Biden Clinton been taking the piss out of us over it. Donny would would sort the shit out before all this latest conflicts started. And we get a trade deal.
  5. I get the picture they v similar to wat we called soppy cnts aka zopiclone no wonder mc liked em lol and mc while your dreaming of running on winter wheat without the slop I tried to message ya but you got message problems
  6. Diaz They send you comftably numb ! With few beers they tamaz little brother
  7. More like arse licking as the melt sunak pledges no end of help to Ukraine and arse licks the dem war machine twofold Trump was the risk to world peace lol the supermarkets know we the uk have got it coming to us Heinz tomo soup £2 a can ffs
  8. It can be like that at times I rate em as the most difficult quarry to get we had some good seasons and not so good
  9. He was great at what he done for sure we didn’t gel as I was on a mission to destroy them with hounds weekly as said he was very good with them we wer good at killing em fkn things hate em with passion
  10. It’s impossible to drive over the bridge without going in ther
  11. Touch ?? Lol two n two eels on top just remember god created pie n mash
  12. Wife’s side are on tag or having a lay down the rest are dysfunctional which makes it only my side at Crimbo it suites me fine.
  13. Yep mate it wears ya down on a bad day! on a good day it wears ya down lol
  14. Yes mate I hated it had wrong mind set done fair bit in cradles high up but was on double cos I was setting cradle up with scaffold great days
  15. It can be brutal on ya if the moneys ther you work harder it’s not about like yrs back plus I ain’t got the drive for it or the same energy , nowadays I take it bit easier on me self as it taxes me esp in the 25 c temp and over in the summer , I just tell em grandad needs to go to Tesco’s and climb into the fridge freezer lol I still enjoy it all but not all day
  16. You forgot the trackers n camera s on them inc the road sweepers
  17. The lads a high class act mc took him a few rounds to work the other lad out then it was one way
  18. Still scaffolding not as easy as yrs gone by but I got a great half days work in me for a days money at 60 lol
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