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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. You got a few fox’s fair enough well done you still know fk all about pest control excuse me I’m still laughing at the four times a wk bullshit , you no everything about slop kfc killing stuff , greyhounds you watched at a track when man in pub took ya and Mac Donald’s after , you seen a handful of whippets run , no all about non peds and speeds. , arable you know everything but still you know fk all about pest dogs. X
  2. You ran a bitza on fox with no saluki blood ?? What a doughnut a Touch of saluki would would have been a better way to go watts wrong wit ya
  3. Four times a wk excuse me while I laugh me bolax off ?? You should be honest and say I went out foxing 4 times in a wk in a year lol
  4. I took pup out on lamp earlier as usual more fox’s than rabbits , mac Barrymore “ come on down “
  5. What a load of bull 4 times a wk you be better talking about kfc ya know and have seen fk all other than ya swamp bangers you just rely on man in pub you deffo no fk all about fox dogs
  6. No you won’t yal ask man in pub who served in the First World War x
  7. Wat is it you want as when offered you move goalposts . Fastest accelerating dogs whippets non ped and pedigree . .while back you said you’d drop to the floor if any one show you a whippet stopping one single I was here for ya whippet can’t turn hare I was here again whippet can’t do a min I was here again for ya whippet is speed saluki bred to wear down prey and fk off and not come back. Now u want to put a whippet ped on non in slips cos you want to run under fk joker. You is funny with ya carry on. Sooner go up the dales than run the quagmire you sing about the saluki boys out in the mi
  8. Not as simple but hey wtf do I know having watched em on sand dunes ? It ain’t all sand in the country’s they originate from is it dime bar
  9. Have you run ya dogs on different grounds , prairies hills small fields. Firm ground or just lamping to get ya day time pictures x
  10. Wat is ideal. For one isn’t for the other even saluki depending on wat terrain and country differ not to sure they have slop in the mid east.
  11. At this point we can have a “ what have we learned “ moment mc can’t have learned that Coursing is a contest between dogs. Bred for speed it was classed as a sport. Hence the quote “ truest of sportsman dosnt take his dogs out to kill the hare but for the contest between dogs and is happy to see the hare get home “ Non peds fastest dog bar none Ped whippet beat a saluki over 100 yrds , Saluki x ultimate hare stopping purpose bred dog , mc acmed Is a lamper and has been converted to the camel shaggers clan wears robes with welllies while eating Halal kfc. Xx oh I’m off fishin
  12. Infact I done realy want to know wat u know lol it take u 6 mins and then I’m bored a need a drone and you need to run off for ya dogs lol
  13. Yep you know fk all didn’t even spot hare I.n pic I put up carry on mc lamping I wrapped up last wk you crack on all sumner to feed ya fam on hot desert nights mac hammed
  14. Are you that hungry you need furry ears. stop preaching bullshit meat on table bolox you never been ther are sand dunes in hull ??
  15. Your game in this country is wat ? 55 yr max ?? Roman generals wer writing rules of coursing plenty yrs befire yas invented killing you n ya mech ammeds wer writing in caves ya daft cnt last saluki I see was totalled on the floor , come up against a real one lol the whippet trained it well. Lol see more in a month than you can eat kfc in 10 yr
  16. It was coursing a sport long before your game ya know boot slipping sumner hunting but you wouldn’t understand. You’re like only killing straight from your mechmet world. Of heathens x you like wat u like that’s ok with me you know fk outside ya furry world of 500 yrd night time slipping your time of sumner hunting us here ya might get a day run good luck lol
  17. Mac Donald’sachmed If you started up fishing hobby on lake you’d get a trawler net every single fish and stand ther all proud like . Telling everyone ther cnts and using rod n reels is a cnts game eh ? The prophet has it in writing z lol
  18. More action in 2 mins than waiting and plodding for 5 wearing down slowly anyways that bores me to shit tis why I like fast dogs not as fast as non ped whippets which are fasest of all dogs but fast enough ? You wouldn’t understand. Your enveloped in prophets and slow torture it’s wat they do you know eh xx
  19. Lol you. Need thermals ?? Couldn’t spot a hare hanging out ya nose x
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