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green lurchers

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Everything posted by green lurchers

  1. The dreaded slip on slop the downfall of many a fast dog
  2. What is going on on the mac. Hull cup thread ? Ffs wats the winner get a drinks menu and a slot on come dine with me featuring Alan titmarsh
  3. Not always true that you get genetic throwbacks crazy looking things they can be ! Put two whites together and got this
  4. Dog threads swinging around to almost anything we got cooking , allotments boxing martial arts , cross dressing , birds, fishing meeting up for cuddles whatever next ?
  5. That’s a lovely looking dog mate best of luck with her
  6. My lad will burn the ears off ya dogs for speed but not on stoney flint or mud he’s not used to it lol
  7. And wats the deal bout one run ?? standard running ground here lol
  8. It was blackys idea as a meeting point for a few beers a chat and chop me arms off with Scottys sabre
  9. Scotty it’s Sunday of love and god
  10. Oh ffs will he be at Birmingham with you ?
  11. Ok let’s have a group cuddle that includes you dad
  12. thanks dad are u upset I never inc you in the cuddle
  13. Well no point fannying about is there
  14. Mates old lurcher bitch filled many a 40ft freezer lorry lol
  15. Can’t we just have a cuddle instead
  16. He had 6 minutes in the tank at 9 will add what a better day it is on here on gods day we’ve had cooking , family walks , no aggro no aggressive behaviour apart from blacky thers peace an calm
  17. Full marks for a Nice looking cake
  18. Don’t start him off reg !! Was hoping for a few calm collected thoughtful replies on this thread today lol
  19. Ok I won’t say how I see it except for it was poor slip lol Had nothing to do with 100 yrds spinning skimming or whatever It was put into panic get the un edited version of the vid it won’t be -100 yrd slip or my pricks a kipper
  20. Without a doubt mate respect for the quarry evaporated. Give the quarry a chance be proud of ya dog if it can handle a fair race , have a word with yaself if you feel the need to creep up and drop a killing machine on top of a great running machine if u can’t handle that get a gun and shoot the cnt under ya feet lol
  21. I’m only saying as I see can u imagine being pushed about at night run ragged during the day trying to feed and replenish lost minerals carrying young trying to feed young trying to court and shagging about getting rained on and then the boot slippoers turns up they not machines getting chased about would have a stress , muscle mind worn out effect , stressed hare ain’t gone be the strong one of fable
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