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Everything posted by nedskib

  1. The recovery time definitely gets worse with age. Strangely, it works the other way around for hang-overs.
  2. Just scrolled through this thread. Great reading!
  3. I'm a foreign citizen (EU) with no problems with the justice. Can I apply for a shotgun license here?
  4. I need to practice my shooting and was wondering if I could get any tips and advice of where in London to do this. I'm at a beginner level.
  5. I've never done any hunting until recently and never thought it would interest me. But I joined a deer stalking party last year just to try it out and was surprised how much I liked it and that it could totally absorb my whole attention during that day. I guess it was the combination of spending time outdoors in a beautiful scenery with the excitement of closing in on the prey. So I decided to take up shooting and the rest will probably be history!
  6. Hello everyone! I'm a Londoner signing up to learn more about game shooting. Recently I accompanied a deer stalking party in Russia and was so amazed by the whole experience I decided to learn shooting myself. Could anyone give me a tip on where in London I could learn shooting and the basics of game shooting? I'm also running a travel company and am thinking of marketing game shooting trips to Russia after my recent experience. Has anyone here been on a game shooting or fishing trip to Russia or any other East European country? Was it a positive or negative experience? Cheers!
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