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Everything posted by LaddyLurcher

  1. hows it coming on? I've always fancied this cross.
  2. go to the Forest of Dean there over run with boar
  3. It does make you mad and wonder what the future holds for lurcher men
  4. Lovely creatures be a shock getting one in the beam
  5. Just read an article about the reintroduction of the Lynx to parts of Britain to control deer numbers. I struggle to understand the logic of the people who think these things up, ban british people from hunting deer with dogs for there own consumption and then release an apex predator to prey on the deer and also livestock. The Lynx became extinct for a reason and since there demise in our regions the human population has swelled dramatically. If it does happen I'll be dumbfounded.
  6. I often do 2am-5am quick sessions I find there's more about round here at these times because most lampers have been and gone by that time and there's less chance of getting a telling off for being some where you shouldn't
  7. I have only just started Lamping but you would think that's just common sense, shame there's people who don't give a toss about how it affects us all
  8. Car headlight wired to car battery was the kit back in the day so I've been told
  9. my two live in...it's no problem as long as you keep them clean and make them sleep on there own beds.
  10. high hopes for this one 15month my first lurcher and our first season together already started well
  11. Nice looking animal that mate...looks like it can shift.
  12. I mate of mine has just come back from a shooting trip up there, not sure what island, he shot 77 geese 60 ducks and 50 odd rabbits while sat watching decoys... It sounds like it would be fun to take the dogs.
  13. Had a shine last night..set my alarm for 1:30am woke up looked out the window the trees were swaying...coat,lamp,dog and gone...loads of rabbits about my pup had his best haul yet.
  14. Shame about the other pup pal, this one looks nice an healthy
  15. he was a scabby mess when I bought him poor thing covered in mites..I shouldn't of got him really but I've looked after him got him right and now he's repaying me..the feeling you get when you've reared trained and entered your first dog is great and it's got me hooked on lurchers that's for sure,I've already got another one had her from 5week old and she's 7month on Thursday should be ready to see a bit of action towards end of season
  16. youve seen him ferreting mate I'm well pleased he's getting good on the lamp too, just let me know when you're next on a bout getting out let's see your ferrets start grafting.
  17. 3 out of 2 !! Some dog you got yeself there mate lol atb ATup for stud now he's achieved them numbers pm for a price lol
  18. That's it mate same round here really although I have stumbled upon a bit of land were they don't seem too shy, it's nice to see the dog run a few especially as he's my first one it's makes it very satisfying indeed.
  19. Hopfully...we can start targeting bigger hauls now he knows what he's doing.
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