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Everything posted by truescot

  1. Tut tut He made that comment knowing full well how it would go. Mission accomplished eh undi. Ya bitter old b*****d
  2. Cheers I'll buy one tomorrow. Wonder if they will hatch ? I actually thought maybe she pushed it out the way as she knew something I didn't lol
  3. Oh and just noticed she has pushed one egg to the side , but sitting tite on other two..
  4. Ok so to start with I know nothing about them other than what I have read recently Someone I know was selling two white canaries think they are young ones. Also I suspect from the same clutch. Also suspect they were bought from pets at home (guys more money than sense). Fancy cage etc. The male bird is a cracking singer hence why I bought them. Well tail end of last year it laid eggs but they were either broken or ignored. Now it had laid 3eggs in the bird bath and the hen is sitting on them constantly. Sure the male feeds her from time to time, but she goes come out to
  5. Oh and I got mixed up between bannock burn and culloden lol Culloden was actually a good one Put that rabble to bed for a good few year,and mostly by the hand of fellow scots.
  6. It was aimed at you lol It just riles me when I read stuff like that lol I just feel you're playing into the nats hands. They want divisions between the two nations. I don't know why it bothers you tbh . It's immaterial the snp landslide They are no more powerfully than they were on thurs. They got it into thier heads this result somehow means the scots are all for Independence. Utter rot.
  7. I'm a unionist all the way despise snp However! Some of you English lad two in particular and one that don't even live in the uk harking back to culloden and bygone days. Really are you're arguments and concerns so Shite that we go back 700 years lol Like I said before a few on hear spouting about Great Britain and the union pfft you're no more loyal to the union than a flea in the ear lol One last point all for those who would like to come up here and kick us scots into touch blah blah blah Well just make sure the ones who shout the loudest are first over the wall.
  8. Don't be like the nats and hanker back to bygone days . It will hurt us all! Aye we will come through it eventually , but at what cost! I just think it's sad and shamefull we are destroying a union that benefited us in more ways than just what you can get out of it. f**k it lasted centuries and our generation f****d it up. What a legacy! Oh and there English to blame to and should hang there heads when the day does come.
  9. Agreed she isn't a slag, who's gonna hump that! I fear you will get what you want in the not to distant future joe. The snp has done an excellent job in driving divisions on Scotland. This was the back up plan if the referendum failed. Cause unrest pitting scots against scots and there English cousins. Then now they are going to be in a position where they will block and stall parliament on every petty issue. Salmond being the mouth piece if he wins his seat. Give it a few month and chaos in the markets I reckon Westminster will let us go. And there no way the britis
  10. Don't you say anything joe until you have spoken to the press office lol Watching the NI debate on TV just now and mguiness just endorsed sturgeon 100% That should keep the vast majority of the snp following happy
  11. Open my eyes lol Away and throw shite@the moon! It's not me with the blinkers. The anti scot/English bile started in you're camp. Mind you it's always at the core of snp. And this is f**k all to do with giving scots a stronger voice in Westminster. It's for egos and power hungry salmond. and I'll respect the election result when you c**ts start respecting the referendum result last year. Oh and who's scot?
  12. Aye joe you're lot are good at that .Any negativity from the party and it's supporters is promptly dismissed,but god help anyone who criticises the brave heart brigade. If it wasn't so serious I'd laugh when I see that sour faced bitch on telly banging on about saving us poor downtrodden scots from the upper class Tories, oh and the scourge of food banks. While she flys around on a private helicopter lol f***ing wee champagne socialist who reckons come Friday she will hold with glee the uk by the balls. While all you brave heart shower jizz your pants. But seriously what's you're
  13. Very very true! Always been bitter c**ts,and they think Scotland belongs to them! Refer dun was just a wee eye opener of how fanatical they are.hence a contributor to them losing the referendum. All you see is signs of hate and harranging anyone who isn't SNP. They suspended a couple this morning out thier party, but only cause it was caught on camera. Surprised they haven't got hoards of the unwashed ripping down any opposition flyers as they did previously. Thank f**k the rest of Scotland are beginning to see the underlying pure hatred this party stands for it.
  14. Supported ukip from the very start ,followed farage in his early eu days. Really thought he was the man,bit of a posh boy but he spoke sense and I felt he was connected. But the party has imploded all over the place now. They had a real chance to shape things up for the better.but like all the rest he is an opportunist politician only interested in consolidating his own power. He would be better sticking with the EU play to you're strengths Nigel. United Kingdom lol he wasn't long in alienating the scots when it come to scoring points. I'm a unionist thru and thru and I car
  15. You should try living amongst the b*****ds! Good to see a fellow Brit not forgetting were not all on the SNP bandwagon. In fact if the referendum showed anything it's what scots think. Don't help the nats by dividing each other,it's there game plan! Oh and if it was left to me it wouldn't be hadrians wall I would build to purge this rabble lol
  16. Why doesn't these shit holes in dire poverty,and disasters go cap in hand to the Islamic state? They won't to be recognised and lets be honest they have more in common with them than us. They also have a shit load of money, they prob wouldn't give them f**k all but I'm sure we can spin it to make them look even worse lol
  17. Aye but they are yanks ,and you have researched this well! you having doubts lol
  18. It's just some human beings like being the centre of attention. I wouldn't say it's a gay trait,and probably suprise us the amount of poofs who just get on with thier life's.but then again if I was looked on as a paedos cause of my sexuality. Then maybe I to would take to the streets and join parades and demos. Guess lot to be said of keeping some thoughts to yourself, and not be the main cause of fuelling what you dislike.
  19. Aye my nephews a poof, never seen him as paedo. Thank god for the wisdom of Thl ! I'll inform all the parents of the wee boys in the area. Lol
  20. Did anyone else keep the tradition of having you're first wage all to yourself' ?
  21. On the subject of trees, any recommendations on a good place to get good prices quality trees? Either online or a store.
  22. Idiots idolise! Make a change I suppose from idolising all these clowns on reality show. IMO society wants to be famous and a reality star rather than get a job. And the sad b*****ds really believe they will make it. Seen people do desperate shit for alcohol and commit horrendous assaults. In today's society When you look at the amount of swindling,tax dodging, expenses scandals . Paedos cover ups , blatant burying of evidence and I won't even touch on the illegal wars. IMO drug dealers,are just been good little capitalists in this world of opportunity. Does it matter
  23. Well if f**k all else,least the pakis are catching a break lol
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