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Everything posted by truescot

  1. Couple year late , but very sad met him at a fishing comp decent bloke and had a good laugh on the boards with him. RIP Johnny
  2. More eastern Europeans than divs now. he wont like that lol
  3. Cheers lads. My mate is moving down possibly. I told him i would find out about the place.
  4. If so whats it like? As in type of place. Guess im asking is it a shithole lol
  5. See the first of the tribes land in scotland tomorrow! That bitch sturgeon her first port of call this morning a f***ing mosque.her press bite when leaving any hate crime against them will not be tolerated. get your priorities right ya wee cow! There nowhere they wont go go get the nationlist vote.
  6. The IRA were up to there necks in orchestrating that day, as per usual using the people they "swore to protect" as pawns and a shield. Mcguiness in all likekyhood fired the first shots. Did the paras go a bit OTT yea there is evidence that a few did should charges have been brought? Quite possibly but not now, and certainly not when child killers,bombers and men who still mean to do us harm were all released and a lot are now in cushty goverment jobs. nah they relished in the good friday agreement when that shower of scum were released.if the goverment were smarter or even f***ing ca
  7. Should have ditched the treacherous b*****d out the door if that private jet over the Atlantic.. Another clear sign that politicians will bend over for popularity and more importantly for votes. Power is more important than principles. These c**ts must be pissing themselfs laughing at us! Not only plot our demise but we will make him a multiple millionaire in the process. He will prolly get a seat in the lords. Wonder how much of his compensation will find it's way to terrorist cells. Arrange an accident and deny it no matter how much you are suspected!
  8. The steel workers should do what the ship yard workers did in Glasgow. Refused to leave and kept on working . Forced the government into doing something. Knowing this government though they probably f***ing jail them lol
  9. Shouldnt be shooting elephants in 2015. I thought we got all that out our system years ago! Nearly bringing species to extinction. Some cases we did. Take whales we hunted those poor buggers in an industrial scale. im sure with all that money spent to shoot it he could have got his jollies elsewhere.
  10. Charlie sneaked out the jungle and murdered her!
  11. I'm suprised anyone would have anything to do with the justice system full stop! Aye stick in the people you live amongst while the old law makers rape kids and scam huge amounts of cash and property. Then the next generation of law makers try to cover it up! You think the average joe on the streets would do the same ?
  12. No one likes a grass! If you are asking if it's ok to stick some c**t in for a few hares. Well tbh I wouldn't show you a birds nest. Yea and some lads are correct it is a sort of code that some areas live by and it's not a bad thing either. Far to many busy bodies and f***ing do gooders these days. You will also find that 90%of grasses are "law breakers " themselfs in some form. Which makes them hypocrites also.
  13. They scientists need to make it look bigger and better than it really is. Otherwise there funding is cut and they are downgraded. Ridiculous they can't even sustain the people on this planet and yet throw obscene amounts of cash into space. Oh yea I've heard all the arguments that they are doing it as this planet is dying. Utter BS. Oh and if by any chance we do need to leave this rock you can be rest assured it won't be you and your family flying off to safety lol
  14. lol yea just realised a fiver is f**k all these days to a kid. The price of them should put any sane person of them. I smoked like a beagle in a laboratory but I thought a tenner a pack it was time to quit. Best thing I ever did! The worst thing about stopping is the smell from other smokers I didn't actually realise as a smoker how f***ing disgusting it is. Sat next to a smoker other day and I had to move I was physically feeling sick.
  15. Yea get that hit on the head. Let him smell your clothes and hair he will soon realise how disgusting the smell of stale smoke is. It's not like our day when everyone smoked nowadays smokers are treated as lepers. We are witnessing the death throws of the fag companies. They are investing millions on ecigs as they know the writings on the wall for them. It's defo not considered cool to smoke. Oh and 13 year old ! Where's he getting a fiver to buy ten fags
  16. There been a few thousand killed everytime they swarm together. Just goes to show how f***ing dense they are. I honestly couldn't give a shit I have no compassion towards those people. The Saudis should give the deads home to the herds of refugees.after all they are "Brothers" .
  17. The governments first job is to provide protection,shelter,and stability towards all it's citizens. If there are extras left over then by all means help your fellow man. To deprive or put pressure on your own people and nation is kinda false hope! There plenty f***ing starving homeless british people with equally heart breaking stories for all the f***ing do gooders to keep them busy. They won't though cz that don't get them on TV and pats on the back and shot at the New Years honour list.
  18. The fire could very well have taken hold and resulted in horrific deaths and damage. Who the f**k goes to a party and then decides to torch the building! Yes he paid his debt (cough cough) if that had been you or I doing that you be looking at 3fukn year min. You don't put a man with serious mentAl health issues in charge of a wheel barrow never mind shadow education. If joe blogs had done that he woujd never work officially again and be hounded and shunned. Another blatant "f**k you" from Westminster to the british public.
  19. Tbh I couldn't care less if he sings it or not. He is after all a confirmed republican . However it would look pretty weird if a PM in the world stAge looked to snub the country he governs traditions. Btw he won't ever be PM but you get my point.
  20. He can't control his temper he will implode very soon! Labour are finished as a party. The 30,000 new labour supporters since Corbin won. Well you can just imagine the type of c**ts they are. A load of bill oddies. He has done nothing for this country in fact he has sided with Britains enemies at every turn. Woukd love to see his security file from the Cold War. Along with a lot more of the trade unions ! He even looks a quisling b*****d lol As for his deputy he doesn't even agree with corbyn. Just another c**t who cares about nothing other than the money and status.
  21. Something very wrong with that Corbin. Bad tempered ,erratic , and in all seriousness has serious mental health issues Aswell Not to mention he is a traitor to all we hold dear I remember that c**ts comments during the troubles. One thing you can guarantee he will never be PM. The security services would never allow that. Having him seeing security documents and making decisions. I think not. One good thing if he does by any chance seem to get the top job. Mi5 can blame his sudden demise to old age and pressure
  22. If any nation derserved to be nuked it was them! They committed horrendous crimes . Watch the drama/documentary on the Nanking massacre. Not to mention the brutal way they treated out own captured soldiers. The bomb stopped the death of thousands of our troops and ultimately the jap civilians. Those wicked little b*****ds would have fought to the very last kid. Dresden IMO was more of a war crime if were going down that road.
  23. On Wogan he said he was the son of god. You can't blame the media for stitching him up lol The lunatic believes there are shape shifting lizards. That in itself is enough surely. You can't just ignore that and then say "aye but everything else he says is right " lol I'm more shocked with the amount of people who follow this clown. It proves to me that there are some pretty gullible folk on this island lol Seriously it's a f***ing cult and Ickes the leader.
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