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cocker guy

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Everything posted by cocker guy

  1. http://www.countryside-alliance.org/ca/ ... manifestos Read and think .As much as i hate the bloody lot of them we aint got much choice
  2. That was last season and the whining is from one of my other cockers she can be a pain but also a relentless dog on runners she never gives up ,so i live with a bit of whining Bri
  3. Hi Andy this is more common with cockers than most spaniels , the answer lies in the fact he would rather hunt than retrieve . You should stop all hunting and work on the retrieving , my approach is to teach what we call the hold .Start in your garden or house sit the dog and offer it a dummy if it doesn't take it then you open his mouth and put the dummy in ,then with one hand on top and one underneath his mouth gentle squeeze and repeat the verbal command HOLD .If when you take your hands away he drops it then repeat until you can remove your hands and the dog holds the dummy .Next stage on
  4. This is my picking up team we pick up on two commercial 4 to 5 days a week during the season . I have trained and worked gundogs man and boy , i also train dogs for other people . Look forward to chatting with like minded dog people Brian
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