That last vid is just the same when hare coursers caught the hare and then used it to race. The dog at the front winning.
First one will have been staged, very little camera technology then and Borzoi were for the rich only.
ur not rong there [bANNED TEXT] ile have to put her wise learn her the lingo haha
she won't learn much lingo of you with spelling like that.
OFF you surely?
When she's fit enough arrange to take her out with a small group of peeps you know with steady dogs. Plan to let her meet them in an orderly fashion on the lead before having a romp together. She will soon forget about all of this Hoping she heals well and quickly.
Plain English Jenn Read the thread and you will see i booted her
I can't read any more ..... I've already lost half an hour of my life
It's not worth the hassle anyways me dear lol.
Deleted page 9 and now we're page 18!
But it is interesting watching all the fellas turn into slagging bitches
And here comes the female perspective to upset the apple cart
I don't have a prob with young kids doing contact sports - my own 9 year old does wrestling and Judo in school.
What I don't like is the setting. Why the need for the cage? The scantily clad female with her round placards? The jeering from spectators seems more than what you would expect at a child competition.
The excuse it keeps them off the street is ridiculous.
If the same bout took place in a more child friendly, less alcohol. Just more for the child than the fun of the adults.
Personally, i wouldn't be taking her on any walks at all just yet, and when you toilet her, a towel to support her back end so she doesnt put any weight on yet.
Poor wee thing, must be so sore.
I did not own the bitch for her first litir..this is my first time rearing pups..not every one can know as much as looking for info not abuse wasting my time!
2nd owner and 2nd litter.
Poor gal