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Everything posted by 6pack

  1. Polecat jill called Mertle. Silver mitt hobb - Ruddy. Albino hobb - Loo.
  2. Mine have fleece blankets and a hammock. They can choose the blankets to wrap up when they start feeling the chill. Bottles, I don't wrap, just keep an eye on them and swap when needed.
  3. I think if rehoming/giving to a rescue, it would be correct to fix the dog first. Not necessarily up to full fitness, but ensure all immediate medical costs are covered. Perhaps have her spayed and you won't have that worry?
  4. Just wondered how many walked their ferrets? Or if they just had use of a big run?
  5. Hung a recycled fleece lined dog coat as a hammock, then extra fleece bedding under it so they can choose where to sleep. All brought cheap at local charity shop. Just chop it up, leave the sleeves whole.
  6. I like the Xbox, and love the kinect with it. We have loads of fun
  7. 6pack

    Pet Hates

    Babys Head??? They say in Wigan - who ate all the pies. But their pies are soggy and also called puddings. A babbys yed is a soggy steak and kidney pudding sh!te.
  8. 6pack

    Pet Hates

    I loathe 'Wiganese' too. It's like a chavvy version of a southern drawl. too true the worst accent in the world. who goes into a chippy and asks for chips and babys yed only a thick as f**k wiganer.thick as piss stones to a person. its babbys yed and there have been some very clever individuals to hail from wigan.....no your right mate they are as numb as piss stones im thinking of writing to bruce parry to see if he fancys filming an episode of tribe there,he can visit platt bridge,theres folk there not yet touched by civilisation the place is just wall to wall scum. ince c
  9. 6pack

    Pet Hates

    I loathe 'Wiganese' too. It's like a chavvy version of a southern drawl.
  10. 6pack

    Pet Hates

    Allow me to add Pantene hair'd Wiganers to my list Folks that feel the need to lengthen their list Women who don't have IBAN numbers :laugh: Multi quotes!
  11. 6pack

    Pet Hates

    Allow me to add Pantene hair'd Wiganers to my list Folks that feel the need to lengthen their list
  12. 6pack

    Pet Hates

    9 year old kids that think they are better and above it all. People that correct other peoples English on forums. People with terrible English. People that use 'rescue' as a status symbol for their dog. Men that think 'fancy a shag' classes as foreplay. Canadians!!
  13. 6pack

    FAO Mushroom.

    Yeah. Cheers go to Lab for telling you about it. Seems he gets a reply
  14. 6pack

    FAO Mushroom.

    Theres a PM feature you know!! This I know ta.
  15. Just wanted to let you know, as I haven't heard from you in a while, that Trev continues to do well. It's been 4 and 1/2 months now so thought I would share his progress. He gets lots of running, and mooching, with the other dogs too. I know you have seen some of these pics, but I think he is looking really good The cash promised a few weeks back never cleared, like the others promised and not forth coming. Would be good to know when I can expect something? He seems to be enjoying himself. Maybe getting too comfy here? He's been wormed and deflead also. Felt
  16. 4 1/2 months of looking after someone elses dog. Barely hear from the owner. £20 received for upkeep in that time. Endless promises of cash, but non coming. What would you do?

    1. nakednutt


      tell the midget to fcuk off

    2. junior


      mushroom is a wanker..ive said it for a while now,so much for loads of money spain hes a messer,either keep the dog or cull it simples

    3. stabba
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. The racing didn't overrun - we filled the cards for the simo quickly and got started nice and early. For some reason it was arranged for the judging of the championship to run simultaneously with the racing - a time issue I guess. Corrected. Was just repeating what told when someone asked why it was happening like that.
  18. Wasn't me that haggled Penny, was too busy admiring the pups The racing over ran unfortunately, late start filling the first card for the sim and it needed to be done before the rest of the days showing began. I think all judges on the day did a really good job and chose cracking dogs. Some usual complaints and sore losers, but hey ho!
  19. Supreme Champion. Champ and reserve. Sim coursing winner. Sorry Penny, Stat made me do it I think this is straight racing winners.
  20. Had a fabulous time Nice to see you again Simo, and to say hello to Penny, liking your pups very much Some fabulous dogs running and in the show ring today. Had the pleasure of stewarding the ring and enjoyed it very much. Well Done to Vicky and Angie for taking champ and reserve. Judges were very hard pushed on picking the winner, it was very close. Have some pics to show when we get out this blimmin field lol. Great amount of cash raised to help Lurcher Link. And the rain stayed away - bonus
  21. Opened the thread hoping for members nice tats.
  22. Hollands mate got a better deal than pukkas Nah ta - sick of Hollands rubbish since moving up here.
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