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Everything posted by Blueboybilly

  1. train recall and get that spot on before you start any kind of hunting. With the lead thing you should take him on a longer walk and call him in to be back on the lead several times. Then let him off again. The reason he might not want to come back on the lead is because it is a pre curser that the walk is over (when you get the lead out the fun stops and you go home). You want him to see that coming back on the lead does not symbolise the end of the walk. I wouldn't let him on the rabbits until he's at least 1. And then take it easy
  2. I have one at 11 months now and he's a f@cking lunatic at times. He is slowly but surely starting to chill out but to be honest It is promising that he is so enthusiastic because when he is more mentally mature he will be able to channel that enthusiasm into hunting! id also be worried if it were any different
  3. I'd like to see a picture of that too. Takes way to long to take it off for my liking!
  4. I would like a touch dog regardless of the quarry. Just my preference. I also like the look of this cross
  5. Seen these today https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/lurcher-pups-bedlington-x-greyhound-whippet/1150412362 Disappointing that there is no mention of working parents. Still - what do you think?
  6. I'm only interested in Rabbits to be fair. Lamping / ferreting. Should be okay for Rabs no doubt?! Need something to join my ped whippet
  7. Anybody breeding or know of of a beddy grey litter?
  8. Bandage them up pal. No doubt this will work out cheaper. Just try not to go to tight
  9. My whippet was introduced to a ferret at 9 months. I was sceptical as he had never seen one before. Was steady as f@ck and pretty much ignored the ferret within minutes. Job done. Was so much easier than I thought. You just need to have a crack pal.. It should be fine
  10. I don't understand why you would feel the need to give someone stick about asking a really good question. You sound like a bit of a penis pal.
  11. Hi guys, I'm looking to get a gundog in the future but I'm not sure what type would suit me best. Over the last few months I have considered a GSP, a Cocker and Labrador. I currently have a Working Whippet who I have been bringing on so I need to consider a breed that is compatable to live with him. I have a thirst and genuine passion for dog training and like the idea of training two different types of working dogs separately and having spent time training a dog breed that isn't well known for its biddability I am seriously craving a dog that naturally takes to training.
  12. B@stard! That's my favourite part of the Turkey!
  13. I have considered this but I'm struggling with time. Decided to that I'm going to buy one instead
  14. Does anyone have a decent ferret enclosure for sale? High quality only please
  15. looking for 2 working ferrets. Cheshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire. I am prepared to pick up (obviously)
  16. What is the Dogs name? I am a long way away from you but will still help if I can. I'll keep am eye out my end anyway. F@cking Scum bags
  17. Might just be kennel cough. First thing to do is stop patting him on the side. Second thing to do is take him to the vets
  18. I have got the Tracer 150 LED. It claims that it has 2.5 hours battery life but I have been getting much more than that. I have been getting almost 4 hours. I really rate it - also as light as a feather
  19. Hey.. Us whippet men have feelings! Looks like a great night Trev70
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