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Everything posted by Blueboybilly

  1. what sort of money u pay for 1 and any more litters about lads This litter was bred for specific reasons and he wasn't in it for the money, there's a lot of breeding in them and tbh I don't think there'll be another litter until these pups prove out , as for any other litters none I've heard of in Ireland I don't see many of these. What are people using them for and are they quick?
  2. Hi guys I'm considering a Working Cocker pup in the future but wanted to know what bloodlines were considered to be the best. Can be dog or bitch and would like to use the dog for beating on a local shoot Any advice is welcomed! Thanks
  3. Probably combine professional classes with your own training but go to a man who specialises in the breed.
  4. how much does a decent racing greyhound set you back theses days? ££
  5. Buy a lamp and get him behind some fluffy tails. Sounds like he will love it! Maybe even get some ferrets. Not a better way to satisfy a high prey drive than the real thing
  6. Absolutely belting dog that pal!! Looks like a pit bull that I used to have! If I'm honest though - I would not want to walk my dogs past you with that in in the street.. Just in case he mistook my dogs for a fox or something!!
  7. Got to be pure Whippet or potentially a Grew. I can only speak of my own experience of training a ped whip from 7 weeks old but you can get them to sit, stay, recall (to the whistle), walk at heal, retrieve to hand reliably with a normal amount of training. I am stoked with my ped whippet and I think that I will always run one for the rest of my life. Cracking little dogs. The only problem is that they are a bit shivery and won't work all night on a freezing night January but that's when I take the beddy x grey/whip on her own.
  8. I have a whippet who is 15 months now old and I managed to get his recall spot on sighing a relatively short period of time. I have his whistle trained (basically because I can't stand the sound of people shouting their dogs). I had him from 7 weeks old and started recall training every day in very short (2min) sessions where I would just blow three pips of the whistle and feed the him a small slice of chicken when he came to me. As you can imagine, it didn't take the dog long to associate the sound of the whistle with a food treat so he responded exceptionally well to this method of train
  9. The season is over and Eastcoast is getting high!!
  10. My Bedlington Whippet Greyhound. Well happy with her. Excellent lamping dog but a bit hard mouthed of I'm honest!
  11. Hope that you get her back bud
  12. Yeah definitely better to have the option like. They help dry out the bedding too. Vet bedding is also a great shout too. My mrs is a vet so I get it for free and I have to say that it it's really good stuff. I'll get a picture up of mine for ya
  13. Benzyl Benzoate bud,I'd just use it neat from the chemist's as its not as strong as the stuff I was getting,it was made in a factory not 400 yards from my house lol so I got it in tins in a much stronger form,it was used to treat scabies etc in 3rd world countries in the main,its good tackle,I used to race Greyhounds and we all know how bad they look when they lose their hair off their hind legs and underbelly but this brought all new hair growth through in no time..its the dogs bollox lolCheers pal. I'll get myself some!!
  14. What is the product name? Could do with some of this for my Whippet
  15. Trev70 has a really good one - surely that would cut the mustard for any self respecting lurcherman?
  16. I leave the house at 7:00am and return home at around 6:00pm. I walk the dogs once (in the evening when I get back from work) but my mrs walks them in the afternoon. If she can't walk the dogs then we have a dog walker who takes them out for £7.00 around 1:00pm. My dogs are happy with 2 hours exercise a day mate. Got a Bedlington/Grey/Whip & Pedigree Whippet. The whippet can go all day without anything but the Lurcher needs to run Hope this helps
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