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jonnie bravo

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Everything posted by jonnie bravo

  1. Good read that rez, sounds like you had a bit of hectic action in the end, nice one
  2. Hi mate finished this one for your friend today, starting work on the yew one tonight. Tested it with a few 9.5mm bbs powerful and accurate Cheers J
  3. Yep, the hw99s in .22 would be my choice with that money. With a bit more money Walther LGU or AA tx200. HW if you don't mind a bit of internal work
  4. You got friends Mark? Nothing wrong with a bit of foliage, but I've been told if you 'cut back' it will make it look bigger.... Just saying, like.
  5. The webley tins may have screw lids but put em on too tight and your not getting them open without a pair of wire cutters!
  6. Good to see another prosport mac, you gonna take her out in the field? A 35yd zero is great for .177, within half an inch of the crosshair from 8 to 40 yards- mine loves falcon accuracy plus/jsb RS if you haven't tried those yet? Either way good luck with it they are a joy to use and hopefully you will get on with the.177 cal a bit more this time ?
  7. Theoben did one, think they are impact airguns now. I think it was called SLR98, it was a gasram though...
  8. Springers. If you fancy your hand at tuning, go down the HW route, 99 in .22, or 77 95 97 98 in any cal. For no tuning required, AA tx200/prosport, Walther LGU/LGV.
  9. A couple of 100's 2nd hand on BAR around £600...
  10. Bit heavy soft lad? Drop and give me 20 lol only joking fella is it for standing shots you mean or just generally lugging I about?
  11. Ey up So I've had the prosport for almost a year now, and I love it, and I quite fancy a thumbhole walnut stock from custom stocks. First question is would you get one? And second question is what weight difference would I get from my standard beech? I've done a fair bit of googling and I can't find any info for weight on the walnut version, if anyone knows that would be awesome. Cheers, J
  12. Are you planning on tuning it? My instinct says 97. .177.
  13. This one was interesting too http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OJX3xg1nUAY
  14. Bored mark? I saw a couple of youtube vids called 'airheads' that did some interesting tests on .177 and .22 pellets I'll see if I can find them for you.
  15. Well mate, this is from memory. I have just googled it, turns out it's a rifle range? See what you think from the pic in the link... http://www.outofoblivion.org.uk/record.asp?id=108
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