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Arron yeates

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Everything posted by Arron yeates

  1. Ive just received my ordered jsb exact diabolo 4.53mm ill be testing them out over the next few days in my ultra se to dee what they are like. Ive tried jsb 4.50,4.51,4.52.... the 4.52 were the best group but im hoping these 4.53mm are better. All seem ok at quick glimse.. also if your keen on your jsb range but not happy with the skirts. Try daystate soverign rangemaster... there jsbs special hand picked pellets. Only thing im nit sure about is if there 4.50.. 4.51... or 4.52...
  2. Why? Because ive seen his videos and hes had a fare few ultras out the box and modded. If theres any one else thats local to sutton coldfield or not to far away for me to meet with id like to possibly get some help with the rifles sweet spot etc. Pcps way diff to springers lol
  3. Yeah ive sent davy a pm but hes no read it yet. Ah im new to the site just new si was on here shame to hear that i dint realise.
  4. Sorry predictive text, yeah its a bsa ultra se bolt action lovely rifle. Would it be worth getting my local rfd to do a chrono / string test? To find out the best pressure etc? Idealy id like to meet up with davy or simon pitaway but cant get hold of them
  5. Just wondering how i can find the best sweet spot pressure wise using some help. Ive got various pellets and with different skirt size just keep getting groups then it moves slightly. New to pcps would really appriciate some help if possibly. Cheers guys
  6. Cheers again lads, yeah my parents live in the country side part of little aston where there plenty of farms woods amd fields. Only last week they had 2 deers walk up there back garden no further than 10 feet away from the house. Im going after the crows pigeons rats and small game.
  7. Another good old brummie lol. Thanks for the welcomes
  8. Thought id say hello as im new to the forum. Not long got back into shooting. Currently got myself a hatsan at44-10x synthetic .177 cal. Hopefully get back on my permision and get some shots down range
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