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Everything posted by Scot123

  1. First ever dog was a Russell always have a soft spot for them all the best with the pups mate got a litter due in 3 weeks myself ?
  2. First ever dog was a Russell always have a soft spot for them all the best with the pups mate got a litter due in 3 weeks myself ?
  3. Cheap way to do it is brush on a good sbr then spread sand while still wet. Brush excess sand away when fully dry.
  4. A know a guy from ayrshire with a few but just show dogs tho.
  5. A good coat of decent sbr will seal it mate it can be added to the concrete aswell for extra strength along with a waterproofer
  6. A good coat of decent sbr will seal it mate it can be added to the concrete aswell for extra strength along with a waterproofer
  7. Hope all goes well mate keep us updated
  8. Sorry first tie was the 10th so 10 days between the 2 breedings.
  9. Decided its time a needed another terrier so I lined my bitch patterdale but what date would you's say the pups are due they tied twice first was on the 12th then unexpectedly again on the 19th?
  10. Fair play to that dog and owner. Good all rounder ?
  11. Hardly ever mixy up here lol
  12. Never had a problem with either but prefer to split them up especially dogs.
  13. Just like to say hi to all members. Thanks
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