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Everything posted by Jack NUFC

  1. only my hobs eat rabbit the jills show interest and take it into there bed but wont eat it
  2. whether this is true or not which i doubt its always dark down a warren
  3. Nice dog mate. you would be f****d if ya ferret got a kill in that sett
  4. Hes A Great looking dog and seems to be doing the job well. nice ferrets to i have a similar silver jill had her and another one of my jills out at the weekend got 3
  5. mine would have to be when me and friend went out and we had a long course on a roe buck the dog didnt get it but it was great to watch all the same
  6. because we are all law obiding citizens lol
  7. irrelivant but id just thought id say i love that film really good to watch
  8. a mate had 2 brindle lurchers they were called Tara and Tess, i like the name Tara
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