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Everything posted by FERRETINGMOUCHER

  1. First thing i would do is get the shaver out and give him a grade 1 to cool the poor f*cker down.
  2. yes mate was good not as good as last weeks though.
  3. good news mate, bet thats cheers the little one up
  4. Anyone going to the CLA gamefair? If you have been in previous years what did you think? Im thinking of going but its a 300 mile round trip so want to make sure its worth it.
  5. what breeding is that whippet mate its a nice little one?
  6. Because i go ferreting but got no permission so have to mouch on others land
  7. Bit dear aint they but i suppose its the postager that pushes the price up.
  8. what breeding are they. 3/4whippet 1/4 beddy
  9. Some nice dogs there lads keep them coming and the pics
  10. some lovely dogs there lads keep them coming beddy whippet looking favourite.
  11. H&J as least your allowed dogs in the first place, i aint allowed one watsoever i like slightly smaller dogs beddie whippet, whippet, whippet x jrt
  12. i might of had one if i wasent 140 miles away
  13. i was thinking the same MT just like you would strip some of the lead from leadcore for carp fishing
  14. jacob Dont Think that one would rub off mate unfortunatly i was think along the lines of beddie whippet meself. Keep them coming!!
  15. Compo i was just stating that it has more than just one type of field sport. E.G Shooting Mags only contain SHOOTING . JUSt giving my opinion .
  16. Come on lads & lasses whats your opinions? FM
  17. We have already heard that one magwitch
  18. TBH when you have spent that much on a piece of equipment, you dont really wanna be bodging it up with electrical tape. you would expect it to work
  19. bloody hell bit of a liquorice allsort aint it, what they look like with all them breeds packed into it. what height is it? Any pics?
  20. I want to get a dog soon (thats if my mom will let me ) In your opinion what do you reckon are the best ferreting companions. Cheers FM
  21. How much you selling them for on here mate, hopefully less than those ones on ebay sellign my old one on here for £10 as i dont need it no more.
  22. lads you dont want to be poaching that land thats the last thing i wanna meet when out ferreting.
  23. Have you posted it on NOBS got a good chance of selling on there.
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