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Everything posted by Cooke123

  1. So you want permission, but you have no insurance ? Good luck with that ! Pretty sure I put that I would get insurance. Not going to pay for it if I have nowhere to go
  2. Must work for you? You empty the farmers sack and he lets you on his land to fill yours?
  3. If anybody is willing to give permission for me to shoot (air rifle) on their land in the Atherton/Leigh/Tyldesley area please message me. I'm after rabbits for the pot but would deal with any other pests you need me to deal with and I'll even do any odd jobs you need doing as you'd be doing me a massive favour. I am also willing to take out insurance. Cheers
  4. Might take a while but I'll sort it
  5. Might take a bit of work but I'll sort it
  6. I move into a new place soon. There's an old brick outbuilding, thinking of converting that into a kennel and adding a run. Be easy to clean too as there's already a hole from where the toilet used to be. Has anyone got anything similar I can get an idea from?
  7. I'll pm you after work mate. Cheers
  8. I'm sure someone my mate knows has gun dogs. It's a lurcher for rabbits etc that I'm after so maybe he could point me in the right director. Thanks again for all the advice everyone
  9. Brilliant advice this. Thanks very much
  10. Do you reckon I should get from proven working stock then?
  11. I'm from Leigh and don't know of anybody in the area. Thanks for all the replies, I'll definitely get a dog once I'm settled in at the new place and read up as much as possible to do the best for the dog. Asked the missus how she felt about a dog and she said fine but she wasn't too happy when I mentioned a ferret! That's what you call a compromise lads. I don't do any field sports at the minute although I've always been interested in it but it's only now I'm in a position to do it as I'm just flying the nest at 24. Cheers
  12. Hi, I'm a keen reader of all the working dog forums on here although I don't post much. I'm a complete beginner to hunting with dogs but am keen to get into it. I will be getting my own place soon with room for a kennel but I'm getting ahead of myself. Before I even think of getting a dog where can I learn the tricks of the trade? All advice is appreciated. Cooke
  13. Think you're right lads. Was a bit blinded by my fondness for the breed was hoping against hope and I've absolutely no experience with earthwork, wouldn't mind learning it but there's no one in my area I can find to pass on the knowledge. Dogs for jobs I like that.
  14. How about a beddy on its own for rabbits while it matures
  15. Is a bedlington quick enough to catch a rabbit or am I better off getting a whippet and or greyhound x? When I say beddy I'm thinking maybe get a beddy x lakeland as getting a good beddy is hard. Cheers.
  16. I've not seen one like him anywhere. Think he's a bit of a throwback as he looks nothing like the mother or father dog. Thanks for the advice and comments.
  17. I live near Bolton if anyone sees this that rats in the area please contact me. Cheers.
  18. Thanks for the advice. I live near Bolton, I have no permission yet but there are plenty of farms were I live. Here is a picture of the dog for what it's worth. Cheers. http://s11.postimg.org/8wp4xwzgz/image.jpg
  19. I know many of you purists won't like this but I'd like advice on starting up teaching my Jack to rabbit and rat. I live in the north west. Many thanks.
  20. My Jack Russell is 10 months. Any advice on how to introduce him to ratting?
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