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Sean Hartigan

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About Sean Hartigan

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 08/08/1969

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  1. Great story www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=50632
  2. I made a genuine inquiry about these dogs and was given the number of a guy called BOB, a few simple questions determined he knew as much about Deerhound as I do about flying the space shuttle, he said he was selling the dogs for his BOSS but he didn't have the dogs, I asked could he send a good picture of the bitch and her registration cert, he said his Boss couldn't send a good pic as he had a bad phone ,so presumably his Boss can pay his wages every week but he can't buy a decent phone, never heard as much cock & bull in 40 yrs in dogs.
  3. my two had the exact same symptoms during the recent hot weather only thing I could think of was that they weren't getting enough water from their bottles .so put in a bowl of water and they drunk it dry so kept two bowls of water in the hutch and the ferrets were right as rain after a few days I have one getting light now, the flow from his water bottle wasn't great so changed it, think it might be the problem
  4. ya tells people they're min beagle cross maltese or bichon, cute & cuddly at five weeks grow into huge howling yokes
  5. This is not a DH x GH, its a Deerhound cross useless babbling Foxhound, my next door neighbour put his foxhound which he normally crosses with a maltese (not joking) into my yard when I wasn't there and is now trying to flog them for £600, this guy has lots of money but will do anything for more, his boarding kennel page is https://www.(!64.56:886/abbeyboardingkennels/
  6. Its a very interesting book Neil. It's hard to believe how big the rabbit industry was. Conry must have spoken to hundreds of rabbit men throughout Ireland, fair play to him for recording this bit of history, its a bit repetitive in that a lot of the stories are similar, but there are a few gems. There wasn't a lot about my part of the Country East Limerick/North Tipperary but there's a huge amount about other places. Its some lump of a book for €30 over 500 pages hardback, you wouldn't read it cover to cover. There's only a few pages on hunting with dogs. The story of how myxomatosis was intr
  7. From The Rabbit Industry in Ireland by Michael J. Conry
  8. he sells deerhound pups id be sure he dosent work them. You seam to know a lot about other people while hiding behind a pseudonym yourself just type in rockenhart fox terriers and the web site comes. just type in rockenharth fox terriers an it come up on the web site.theirs deerhounds on the site also. And this is how you decided I don't work my dogs, I take it I don't know you then & you haven't got a drone following me around ???????? would it be fare to say that the dogs in ur yard would have at one time gone to crufts and ur kennels are all for show.
  9. he sells deerhound pups id be sure he dosent work them. You seam to know a lot about other people while hiding behind a pseudonym yourself just type in rockenhart fox terriers and the web site comes. just type in rockenharth fox terriers an it come up on the web site.theirs deerhounds on the site also. And this is how you decided I don't work my dogs, I take it I don't know you then & you haven't got a drone following me around ????????
  10. he sells deerhound pups id be sure he dosent work them. You seam to know a lot about other people while hiding behind a pseudonym yourself
  11. http://www.independent.ie/business/farming/rural-life/gardai-clamping-down-on-lamping-saying-it-allows-opportunistic-activity-35411667.html?utm_content=buffera4f64&utm_medium=social&utm_source=(!64.56:886&utm_campaign=buffer
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