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Everything posted by James@Scarborough

  1. Thanks for the advice Jeff . Should I wrap the dummy in a pelt, or does this come later?
  2. Thanks Simoman, anyone else got anything to add?
  3. I have dealt with Jeff at Pennymeadow Whippets. He was very friendly and helpful.
  4. Hi guys, I thought this would be the best place to ask about training my whippet pup. She is 12 weeks old at the moment. I understand that she should not be introduced to live quarry until 12 months old, but what sort of training should I do with her in the mean time? I have never trained a coursing dog before, and would greatly appreciate all the help I can get. I would hate to do things wrong and spoil her. Thanks, James
  5. I belive your question was: Which is best, Phostoxin or Talunex? The answer, as I said in my first post, Talunex. The reason for this......oh, sod it, look back to page one. The laws of chemistry, greater surface area per volume gives a faster rate of reaction.
  6. Federal are great, Hornady are nearly as good. V-shok (federal) do the job, V-max (Hornady/Rem) make a hell of a mess!
  7. Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally against trapping, it has it's place. I just prefer to use gas where I can, and where it is suitable. There are often different methods for each type of job, and it is down to the pest controller to choose the best method to suit the individual job, and then tell the customer what they intend to do and why. We can sometimes offer both methods, and a price for each, and let the customer decide.
  8. how do they follow up the member to make sure there worht being a member, by asking them to pay for courses to show how profesinal they are? Not wishing to sound rude, but please read the last two lines of the post you have just quoted. I never mentioned anything about paying for courses, although this is a part of any employment in which up to date methods and materials are used. You can never learn too much.
  9. I'm not calling you a liar at all. Please do not take offence at my previous post. I have been using gas on a regular basis for some time, an have never seen anything like this happen. I just can't see how this kind of catastrophic impact on the local wildlife could have happened .
  10. BTW the NPTA doesn't mean a great deal when anyone who can write a cheque for £70 (ish) can be a member. The BPCA on the other hand is a form of quality control, with exams for members, audits for the company, quality control checks with customers, and many other measures in place to ensure that the customer gets the job done correctly and safely.
  11. I just want to clear something up. We do a follow-up visit to "mop up" the ones that don't get gassed the first time, and 90% is fiar for a first visit of that size. Gas is effective when used correctly. For the pest controller to kill off all the worms and insect life (wich I seriously doubt) he must have used gas by the tonne, and he was definately doing something wrong. The gas only stays active for around 1-2 days before it has completely degraded. Moles will re-populate old runs regardless of the method used to kill the previous occupant.
  12. You can usually tell when a cluster of hills belogs to one mole run, so if you only get hills re-apear in one cluster out of 10, 90% success! I am glad to hear that my reply sounds proffessional, it should do, it's my job. Being part of a BPCA accredited pest control company, we have pride in our work and knowledge of the things that we deal with. This is why our customers use us.
  13. I would NEVER use gas in wet weather!
  14. I've done 4 mole jobs already this week, all using talunex. We have great success with this, and have been using it for a long time. Using gas you may not have a mole in your hand to show to your customer, but try trapping on a carvan site that has 400 mole hills on it and get a 90% success rate in 1 day! The reasons for choosing Talunex over Phostoxin are, one Phostoxin pellet is equal to about 3 Talunex so surface area is more tharefore gas liberates more quickly. Also you can use talunex more efficiently due to it's smaller size and more pellets per flask. Trapping is o.k. if you only ha
  15. Has anyone tried a smaller version? Had any success?
  16. Ring the local police non emergency line (0845 number, so don't use your mobile) and ask to be put through to the firearms licencing department. They should sort you out with everything you need.
  17. HW95 for me guys, and plenty of success with it.
  18. I agree , although mine's not tuned yet .
  19. You should get a seperate form in your application pack for land. If you don't have it, get on the phone, and get them to send you one.
  20. I got arrested by the armed response unit 3 months before I applied, and still got mine within about 3 or 4 weeks!!! I can't see it being a problem mate.
  21. I am a professional pest controller, and keen hunter. Most of the shooting I do is with a .22 rimfire rifle, but recently I aqired a .222 for foxing. Like most I started off with an air rifle and followed the natural progression to rifles and a shotgun. I also have a Whippet pup 11 weeks old, and a JRT x Patterdale at 10 months. I look forward to seeing the rest of the forum, and chatting with you all. I am also a moderator on another popular hunting forum, but don't let this put you off!
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