Not the same as when I were a lad. I jumped on a Suzuki A50P the morning of my 16th Birthday, having never ridden a motorbike before! With a top speed of 55mph I was at school in 10 minutes instead of the usual 1 hour walk! Huge grin on my face!
After 40 years of .22 I now say .177 for 12ftlbs .22 for FAC (30ftlbs) I wish I had stuck to my guns (Ha Ha!) and waited for a HW100kt in .177 rather than the HW100s in .22 which I purchased and the FAC Air in .22!!
Well, as my FAC looks like taking upto 7 months, how can the Labour Party say if they get into power on May 7th the fee will rise to £200/250? How will the service improve to justify such a rise?
Well, I've just rung Kent Firearms licensing, and my FAC will be at least another 2 months. They are saying mid June! So from application that will be well over 6, almost 7 months!! People must lose permissions in the time it's takes to get a FAC!
How long is a new FAC taking in Kent? I'm at 113 days since application and still waiting! 30 days since my FLO visited and gave the go head! He seamed to think before the end of march!!
Certificate type Grant or renewal of certificate Total fee payable Firearm certificate Grant £88.00 Firearm certificate Renewal £62.00 Shotgun certificate Grant £79.50 Shotgun certificate Renewal £49.00 Registered firearms dealer Grant/renewal £200 Visitors' permit Individual £20.00 Visitors' permit Group (six or more permits) £100 Co-terminous certificates
Early and mid season potatoes, Tomatoes, Runner / French and Green beans, Winter flowering Broccoli, Radishes, Leeks, Onions, Egyptian Onions, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blue berries and others if I find space!
I must say normally ie “when I was a lad” I’d say .22 for Rabbit .177 for bird, but this was with a 1970`s Air Rifle (8ft lbs and a fag paper!) but with my HW100s in .22 I now wish I had gone for the HW100kt in .177. Zero @ 35yds and good for 25/45yds where as the .22 needs some hold over. And used a .22lr for everything else!
Well here's something new to me! We now need to count Rabbits!?! (I thought they were vermin!?!) This can be so much easier, take a set amount of rifle ammunition, shotgun cartridges or pellets and count when you get home what you have left, deduct the number you started with and you've the number shot, send the number into the Mammal Society, job done!
I would take the offer but feel a couple of 5 shot magazines will be a better bet. Do they (the 5 shot) suffer with the occasional sticking of the 10 round magazines? I've heard the 10 round magazines are better loaded with 9 rather than 10 rounds?? Anyone tried this?
So, in respect to her comment, I take it, once cleared, always cleared?? A piece of lane is cleared, something is built nearby, she is saying there is no need to double check to make sure? I wonder if the Police data base is regularly updated to include new developments near a permission??