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David Aiken

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Everything posted by David Aiken

  1. Same here! The 3 new permissions I have all had shooters who turned up and because they didn't shoot any Rabbits on their first visit, never came back!
  2. Just hopping to get the plot next door which altho only 60 meters wide (but runs alongside the "new permission" so is in fact over 150 meters wide for most of it) but is 600 plus meters long with open fields at the bottom. The owner of the new permission and this other plot both stopped keeping chickens and ducks due to constantly losing them to foxes. The owner wants to keep poultry again but would like someone to keep an eye on the foxes, I wonder if FLO would allow a larger caliber than my .22lr?
  3. And again, the Permission has grown! ;-) The owner of the Stables adjacent to the other two permissions (5 acres) has given permission to shoot section 1 & 2. Best of all its bricked walled to one side and end (that must have cost a pretty penny!!) just on 200 yards so plenty of scope to zero for long shots. If i were to get the next plot which altho only 65 yards wide (but runs alongside the "new permission") and is 620 yards with open field at the bottom i wounder if FLO would consider .17 hmr of .22 wmr
  4. It advertised as "full power" I just don't think the guy can shoot, he needs more practice. http://www.sportsguns.co.uk/bargains/rugerered-1.html It says 1000 fps, if he used 8.4 grain then this rifle is 18.66 ft lbs so a FAC rifle and probably not sutable
  5. Cant say I've noticed. Just used 400 but, theses could have all been the same (good?) batch.
  6. FAC Air Rifles have come a long way, no power output was given, if he went for a larger calibre like one of theses: Sub 30 yards, in an area where a .22lr ect.. cant be used? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khrJwZLOn6s
  7. For me it would be a HW100kt in .177
  8. Both yourself and the BASC are correct. This is a Kent Firearms Department policy, its a well know policy of theirs, so if you wont to wind them up go ahead! I for one wait until I have received a letter from that `nice, but misinformed` lady you spoke of This is why we need a one for all policy to stop anyone being refused or having a FAC taken away. I know you're reaching for an open ticket David and it seems that each of your posts are made as though the Kent FD is going to read them but in this case it's not policy we're talking about. It's laid down law. By the way. That letter
  9. Let English MP`s vote on this, that would put the wind up her skirt!
  10. Both yourself and the BASC are correct. This is a Kent Firearms Department policy, its a well know policy of theirs, so if you wont to wind them up go ahead! I for one wait until I have received a letter from that `nice, but misinformed` lady you spoke of This is why we need a one for all policy to stop anyone being refused or having a FAC taken away.
  11. So, dispose of said rabbit and change clothes, boots ect to minimise the risk, or leave the dam thing where its killed if there are obvious signs of Myxi?
  12. I saw 15 in the field and 10 or so in his garden. (the hedgerow and flower borders were alive!) I shot one which he saw and he was as happy as Larry!!! When I mentioned there were another 3 hanging from the Jeep I got a cup of tea and some biscuits! I guess I`ll stick to 3 or 4!
  13. I don't wont to leave the infected ones on my permission, and yes I would like to shoot the infected ones to keep the myx at bay, but I also keep domestic rabbits. Tonight I came onto my land without passing my domestic rabbits and burnt the infected carcass, and disinfected my boots ect...is the best bet, or is the disease dormant in a dead rabbit so can be binned with the guts from the skinned ones??
  14. I shot two in another part of the field (different warren?). They were fine, this one was dopy and still for 5 minuets or so. Its a young one, certainly this year.
  15. Looks like Myxomatosis to me? How do you all dispose of infected Rabbits?
  16. So how can he think the votes be defeated when its been postponed to a time when its more likely to win http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33518149
  17. Ha Ha, its been postponed until the SNP and their like are band from voting on English only policy's.
  18. I contacted an `out of my own FLO`s postcode area` FLO on a Monday afternoon in Kent, he met me at a new permission where I hadn't even met the owner (found by a friend) on the Thursday. He entered my details on the database that day, so I could shoot straight away! Now that's quick service!
  19. Hawke Panorama ev 4-12x50 ao ir mill dot (Anschutz 1417) and Hawke Panorama ev 3-9x40 ao ir mill dot (HW100)
  20. Its £18 in advance! The show is huge, well worth the money. If your up, the first livestock event is at 07:30! I am a society member so get in for all 3 days, front row parking and entry to the members enclosure / lawn / restaurant plus some retail discounts. All for £50 per year! Bargain!
  21. I guess I`ll stick to three max and see if the number fall to far.
  22. Well, with the two acre permission and now also three acres adjacent to it, how many Rabbits should I shoot on a weekly basis to cull some for the owners but leave enough for shooting later in the year? The last three visits I've take five Rabbits per visit. I've said I will shoot there weekly and I have counted as many as twenty Rabbits at each permission sitting outside their warrens at any one time, many juvenile some adult male/females. I had a similar setup a few years ago, the owner wanted the property cleared and I was shooting up to twenty pre week, now when I go to back to that permis
  23. We it that time again, off to the Kent Show this weekend. I'm going all three days The weather looks good and the Red Arrows are there on the Friday. BBC Countryfile are there Friday, I hope to meet Ellie Harrison and would love a chat with John Craven with regard to Badger / Fox shooting and the repealing of hunting with Dogs http://kentshowground.co.uk/
  24. As I would like to do some target practice, do ranges take .22 Air pistols? I have a friend who shoots at Bisley and its only .177 for rifles, not sure if this applies to pistols, or if you can shoot them there?
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