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Everything posted by Jackdaw

  1. Went out this morning with the intention of decoying a few crows,it was very slow shot one then decided to walk the hedgerows with the .410 hushpower.Managed a nice brace of coloured pigeons lol.
  2. Nice couple of hours,flew wide and high but managed to bag one over the homemade decoys.
  3. Nice couple of hours this morning,birds decoyed well.Plenty of geese around to might have a crack at them next time.
  4. Thanks for your input FW but I've shot corvids for well over 15 years and know the pit falls,I just like shooting in windy conditions to make the target more challenging but each to there own. I must be doing something right I average between 2/3 thousand birds a year lol
  5. That bag was taken on this year's maize stubble,still plenty about to have a crack at,just need the weather to behave when I'm not working to have another bash at them.
  6. That's my point mate,who likes an easy shot lol.
  7. I must admit I always find corvids decoy better in windy conditions, it also helps cover the noise of the shot.
  8. We all need a little motivation at times mate,as I get older I find it difficult to leave the quilt on cold mornings lol
  9. Well after 2 weeks on holiday i thought i better pop up my perm and show my face. Must be 12 months since I took the 12g out,always seem to favour the .410 Husher lol. But I managed to drop a few with the 12g
  10. Really lol,well I've been to Kenya twice and done quite a few of the areas,Nanuki,Lake Baringo,Don dol,Mount Kenya,Archers Post,Kathendini,Nairobi and quite a few of the game reserves,and was always advised to stay in a group of 4 minimum where possible.
  11. Yep me to mate,unscrew the mod shake all the bits of plastic wad out lol,all the loose carbon ,coat the thread with oil and screw back up. I know it's best to use fibre wad shells,but they ain't that easy to get hold of,so I just stuff plastics through mine.
  12. Has one been stripped and cleaned? I find it's better to let the carbon build up in the Mod to quieten it down.
  13. Lots of pigeons building up on my perm,but as always as soon as its chopped they will probably disappear lol,ain't that always the way.
  14. Yep it's pretty difficult to build big bags with so much food around,but the wheat is due cut shortly so fingers crossed should provide some sport on the pigeons.
  15. Gamekeeper on the shoot next door has had over 200 magpies in the Larsen traps,seems to be a bumper breeding year for corvids.
  16. Well things have slowed right down on the corvids,I guess now harvest is under way there's plenty of food around.14 shot and 11 picked,so I'm guessing that puts me somewhere around the 500 mark in the last few weeks and 858 in the ladder trap. Wheat due cutting soon,and the pigeon numbers are building so let's hope the .410 gets some more action.
  17. I always do find things go quiet late morning until early afternoon this time of Year,I guess there from roost feeding from 04:30 ish and need to take time out to digest the food! Sometimes it's like someone has turned a tap off! Everything stops.
  18. No mate they seem to keep coming,had a text off the farmer earlier he's had another 112 in the past 2 days. Point to note ,they are nearly all Jackie's. That ladder trap is so effective it's unbelievable,I did take some film footage on the phone to post on here,but it's too large to post.
  19. Last time I was out I would say over 1000 birds lifted from the yard,but then they f*** off and at best trickle back,too much food around? Or just clever? Or possibly a bit of both. But we've taken well over a thousand birds between trap/ and shooting in the last couple of weeks,so maybe there just missing there friends lol.
  20. I've just got in from 8 hours on the ranges with work,Hot is not the word lol,so a spot of rain is a welcome relief,hopefully it will clear the air.
  21. Good outing mate,it's just started raining here in the south east
  22. 31 shot this morning and another 21 in the trap.
  23. Out again in the morning,let's see how it goes in this hot weather.?
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