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Everything posted by whipstar

  1. black pup first x beddy grey 15 weeks old.... fawn pup 17 weeks old, dam 3/4 grey 1/4 collie, sire first x wheaton grey
  2. two bitch pups for next season
  3. im no coursing man but if i was and one outwitted the dogs by escaping down a pipe/drain then i would say fair play to it and walk away knowing it would be there to run another day, get your self a decent spaniel
  4. will do teckers... wont let me see your pic for some reason gaz ive sent you a pm mate
  5. mine was from worksop mate was yours from leicster ? if it is i was tempted to have one out of that litter but decided to cut the bull out in the end
  6. picked a 9 week old bitch pup up today of this breeding, first x wheaton grey over a 3/4 grey 1/4 collie bitch was just wondering if anybody has ever ran or seen a dog of similar breeding run ? cheers
  7. my mates cocker works well bushing to lurchers but thats its main job doesnt go beating
  8. yeh will do mate should give there confidence a boost
  9. thanks for the advice looks like i will be out mooching throughout the year then with the terriers, was just unsure if thats what others did aswell with there bushing dogs, cheers
  10. just had a look at them full beardie pups dam looks smart working strain aswell
  11. cheers lads think i will do stuff along those lines myself then, spose its all extra experience ready for next season
  12. ive got two beddy pups on at the moment one a 12 month old bitch and the other a 10 month old dog, they have been bushing well for the second half of the season was thinking of holding them back now over the summer is this a good idea ? cheers
  13. getting a bitch pup from a litter in the midlands nothernlite
  14. ive only ever seen one run which was the one i had, brilliant lamping dog but seemed to lack speed daytime even tho seemed to be giving 100%, yes was a top hunting companion obviously thats why ive got my name down for another, im just intrested in how other first x's run
  15. anybody run a first x beddy greyhound ? ive ran one before but just wondering what other peoples opinions/experiences are of them as im due to pick up another pup of this breeding in the next couple of weeks, cheers
  16. my bitch is 14tts and dog bout 16tts mate, arent sure how to post pics yet as im new to this
  17. cheers people and im from stoke mate
  18. Intresting thread, nice to hear opinions on if a pup hasnt caught for a while will it lose intrest
  19. I use beddys to work the cover not to big but not to small works well for me
  20. If youve got mates with experienced bushing dogs get it out with them for a few sessions
  21. Like rob67 said get it out around cover what usually holds rabbits it will work it out in its own time try to take it on its own or with experienced bushing dogs until it knows its job then introduce it to working with the runners
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