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About Fender

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I'm sure Blackdog92 will have lots of replies.....shame it's not down here in suffolk.
  2. Hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy 'the hunting life'. Fender.
  3. Hi the farmer has planted some rape in the wheat/ barley stubbles. Just wondered roughly how long before the pigeons will start feeding on it? Any advice appreciated. Fender.
  4. It's been a disappointing harvest so far, the rape stubbles haven't produced much it's the same with the wheat. There just doesn't appear to be any flight lines visible. I was out earlier this evening and noticed the farmers made a start on the beans....."maybe they will be worth a look at the weekend. Fingers crossed,!
  5. I see a lot of farms have started their harvesting....good news one of my permissions has started too. I've just finished my night shift, so a quick coffee then I'm off for some decoying. Fender
  6. Its a frustrating time of year, I'd like to get out for a few pigeons but....the rape is so tall and the wheat and barley don't offer much. Roll on the harvest!
  7. Twelve pigeons in just under three hours....not great I know! So tomorrow I'll try another area, hopefully they'll decoy better.
  8. Thanks for that, I wish there were drilling to be done......its either rape or wheat.
  9. It's been a long week on the night shift...last one tonight then a day decoying. There's still a lot of activity on the rape, hope the birds are hungry tomorrow!!
  10. Thanks for sharing your photos, good work.
  11. Hi Nick.....that catapult looks tasty....I'll keep an eye open in the for sale section! Fender.
  12. The farmers just put up one of those kite things that's supposed to look like a hawk. He has other scarers out there that the pigeons ignore....I've not had a chance to watch the area yet, but was wondering i what people think....do they scare pigeons or will they get used to it. Fender.
  13. Hello from another newbie, looking forward to joining in on the forum. Happy hunting. Fender.
  14. Hello to you all, I'm fender from suffolk. I enjoy getting out for a few pigeons, lamping the bunnies and walking the dogs. Looking forward to reading shooting reports etc and gaining tips. Fender.
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