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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. What are you going to do with it?
  2. Yes I agree the dogs look in a bad way, and that's adding fuel to the fire for the people commenting, but what I meant is dogs where only doing what they where bred for not exactly been forced etc.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3077029/Cruel-pet-owner-forced-dogs-fight-foxes-badgers-jailed-wife-accidentally-phoned-999-police-visited-kennels.html Says the dogs where forced to do it, I'm sure if the dogs didn't want to do it they wouldn't do it! Comment section full of dinlos and people who don't understand bout, makes me want to sign up and post my view.
  4. I bet joshua does 10-12-15 rounds sparring regular? name me a pro fighter that doesnt ? and as for how many rounds do i think hughie will go :hmm: do you honestly believe that joshua would beat hughie .Larry Holmes was once slated for going over against Renaldo Snipes .Holmes response ,the sign of a champion when he gets of the canvas to win . it be interesting to see how joshua responds when hes in with some one whos breathing .Bruno a very powerful man once tagged that was him . he was like a man with twenty pints in side him .David Price another impeccable amateur record every one sho
  5. So let me get this right.....because Fury got knocked down and hurt by journeymen......but Joshua knocked journeymen out.....that somehow makes Fury proven and Joshua unproven ?? .......Fury didnt plan to get knocked over !....by the sounds of it you are penalising Joshua for not getting put on his arse ! As for reminding you of Bruno id say big Josh can take that as a compliment. Ah Nasher we can argue all night long about Anthony Joshua and his antics but I guess time will tell, I'm looking forward to hearing how he gets on with KJ!!! From now until then I'll keep out of comments and whe
  6. So let me get this right.....because Fury got knocked down and hurt by journeymen......but Joshua knocked journeymen out.....that somehow makes Fury proven and Joshua unproven ?? .......Fury didnt plan to get knocked over !....by the sounds of it you are penalising Joshua for not getting put on his arse ! As for reminding you of Bruno id say big Josh can take that as a compliment. Ah Nasher we can argue all night long about Anthony Joshua and his antics but I guess time will tell, I'm looking forward to hearing how he gets on with KJ!!! From now until then I'll keep out of comments and whe
  7. Lmfao cop on So let me get this right.....because Fury got knocked down and hurt by journeymen......but Joshua knocked journeymen out.....that somehow makes Fury proven and Joshua unproven ?? .......Fury didnt plan to get knocked over !....by the sounds of it you are penalising Joshua for not getting put on his arse ! As for reminding you of Bruno id say big Josh can take that as a compliment. Bang on that. Fury and price were knocked down by the kind of fighters that AJ is embarrassing. Who ?
  8. Yep...100% agree about backing British Boxers...only thing that takes the shine off him as a British boxer for me...is that dirty big Africa Tattoo he has...just comes across as a slap in the face for a country that has given him everything...and whos flag he won Olympic honours under... but i can over look that for a British Fighter...just like i can over look tyson Furys mouth/singing ect ect...and you didnt drag Mike Tyson into the thread to compare his boxing skills Nothing wrong with the man having tatto of where his family originated from I don't think
  9. No I think it will be fantastic is he gets to the top and does us all proud, I haven't said that I haven't once, my point is hughie fury is also another up and coming prospect that will do this country proud and no body is bothered about him. Then why arent you banging on about Dillian Whyte and Gary Cornish??...are they p and coming British Heavyweight prospects?...is it just that you've heard of Hughie Fury because hes a traveller? No infact I like Dillon whyte and have even mentioned him in this thread up a few posts, reason I'm not talking about him as much is simply hughie and AJ are on
  10. Well a lot of folk on here won't consider him a fellow countryman because he is black and that's the sad mentality of people on this earth, a lot won't consider hughie furys fellow countryman either, never understood rasism as we are all human beings.
  11. No I think it will be fantastic is he gets to the top and does us all proud, I haven't said that I haven't once, my point is hughie fury is also another up and coming prospect that will do this country proud and no body is bothered about him.
  12. if AJ stops Kingpin then it's more than anyone has done ever not just chisora no one has knocked him out. Chisoras a good fighter and be a decent test for AJ next few fights. If he knocks out KJ then let's hope he gets real fights and no more bums, if he is the real deal I'll be the first to say I'm sorry for knocking him on here
  13. I used to have all the Warrener DVDs and I remember the one when the mushes take hares with a catty I've tried looking on YouTube there is a few of the same lot Stanley boys I think they where shooting with a catty very good shots
  14. Good video, looks good for rabbits up there, lucky to see one or two here
  15. No he wants the bigger fights and FairPlay to him, it's his management keeping him wrapped in cotton wool fighting bums every month then one day they will chuck him in a big fight and he will get shocked, personally I think after Kevin Johnson he should fight chisora or price or even the winner of the two as they are meant to fight soon, hughie fury is up again in July and tipped to fight a good Opponent he's only had like three or four more fights than AJ, and eddie hearn even said a while back AJ would destroy him so tea m fury tried to set a fight up and Ajs team didn't want any of it
  16. Tyson full career was a hype job anybody decent or that wasn't intimidated by the hype around him bet him. There we go, AJ will get a surprise when he finally gets hit! Just wait for it, eddie and Joshua are already talking about upping the opposition after the Johnson fight, hopefully they stick him in with chisora after Hope AJ doesn't get a suprise and keeps taking small steps up he has potential to be good and is a likeable guy How is he anymore likeable than say hughie fury ? Plus David price was the hype job before AJ, he had the power and was making the brittish public saying he was a
  17. What makes you say that ?.....do you think he,s never taken punches off of big powerful guys then ?Yeah he was knocked down by Dillon whyte and he is hardly powerfull Plus obviously he has been sparring people aswell and taken shots I just don't think he will last when he fights anyone who's up there currently, I don't hate Joshua i just don't think he deserves all the hype, it seems to be the same story on the boxing forums with only casuals believing the hype. All them muscles don't carry themselves he seems to be getting bigger aswell which can only hamper him further.
  18. Tyson full career was a hype job anybody decent or that wasn't intimidated by the hype around him bet him. There we go, AJ will get a surprise when he finally gets hit! Just wait for it, eddie and Joshua are already talking about upping the opposition after the Johnson fight, hopefully they stick him in with chisora after
  19. Your having a laugh the guy was badly out of shape and looked like held been dragged of the streets also he has been beat 11 times now, the best person he's been up against was Shannon Briggs, seasoned pro in the bum ranks more like, oh well the AJ hype train continues on its journey to a nasty KO somewhere down the line.
  20. I just want to see him fight Johnson you can't rate him atall when he is fighting out of shape paid to loose bums, Even Kevin Johnson doesn't punch back hardly and just goes into a defensive shell and survives he's hardly going to give am a test atall
  21. yeah sorry I didn't quiete understand what you meant at first
  22. First photo looks like a set up to be honest, are you sure you where the in the local five star hotel while claiming to be all bear grills lmfao
  23. What's it for I might be able to help You never heard about Millipedes famous carved in stone pledges mate .... No I don't know what you are talking about but I know a guy who works with limestone and other stones
  24. What's it for I might be able to help
  25. What do you mean by Probally you either had one or didn't lol loads round here aswell never took a shot to one tho
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