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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. We planted over 150 hedging plants like laurel beech leylandiy around a month ago and most of them bar the odd few have taken
  2. So even if I had the holes dug ready at the new land then dug the trees up temporary potted them drove 20 mins down the road and had them straight in and well watered every day they still would die ?
  3. http://www.seasonalgardening.co.uk/ideas/images/fir_trees_in_pots.jpg They are those sort of trees in the pots but bigger obviously
  4. Does anyone know when the best time to move and plant garden fir trees is, I have some on my place at the moment not young but not old about five foot tall not the fir tree you see in forestry but the garden ones that have ,any different tipes, I have them dug in my place have been growing for about three years but moving soon and have a nice gateway to put them either side of would need to dig the holes first but is is safe to move and plant them this time of year or would you wait until autum sort of time? Have around 11 all together and taking every single one with me few are already in big
  5. And like I said travelling people or not Ny one who steals another mans dog needs there hands chopping of
  6. I'm sure every Blackman sells drugs aswell or every Mexican is a member of the cartel some travellers do steal dogs as do some Blackmen sell drugs but don't tar everyone with the same brush I'm sure there is also lots of dog theifs among non travelling community's aswell
  7. Lovely little pup my tipe of dog that is
  8. Why didn't you ask him what he was doing surely couldn't of disspaeared very far lol
  9. Such a shame pal and must of been passed about to get to the other side of the country.How did you find it a month ago if you don't mind me asking I guess you mean a month later not month ago ??? Found her from microchip she was found wandering around and taken to a local dog rescue place where we drove down and picked her up, don't know how who or why she got there but she was ruined, such a cruel world we live in sad really
  10. Good work mate, I lost a terrier a few years ago found it a month later other side of the country absolutely ten times different dog to when we had her she was scared of everything very skinny and had teeth missing she was obviously took but why take a dog if your going to abuse it, sadly she had to be put down as got very aggressive and started biting everyone who would even speak to her and had no quality of life in a house full of kids and noise as she was old and ruined by some horrible c**t
  11. Nice pair of dogs you got there gaz, not a chance mine will muck about in the water like that tho lol
  12. CushtyJook


    I use old coca cola cheap stuff from any supermarket for 17p a litre or something silly, always found brass a pain in the ass to get back to old shine, pure copper on the other hand is easy, brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, coca cola or anything acidic will work but hard work if it's really old
  13. He got no chance of that worm getting caught in the bike chain so it's all good is that just a small Korey or enlarged clit I can't make it out
  14. Yes I use 9.5s but getting some 12mms in soon, might have to get the 10mm 1000 will last ages
  15. Good deal that, what is full arks is it a website
  16. What about brambles? Not for a release pen but area where brambles have been cleared and new shoots are coming through Yes mate it does them aswell. You need a Cph number to buy it but it really does work. Yeah looking for something to get the new shoots down on an old yard where it's all gravel but brambles and weeds starting to come back through have t got the Cph tho but relatives who have for work
  17. Was naturally like that, I looked at a few but this was the only perfect one I found
  18. was this after a night out? did you feel frozen at all like you couldn't move
  19. What about brambles? Not for a release pen but area where brambles have been cleared and new shoots are coming through
  20. Look at the comments people make me sick saying he deserved to die beacuse he was ferreting poor man died hunting a few rabbits most likely going to feed him and his animals, poor guy died show some respect u silly people
  21. My old lad was brialliant at deer, only ever took roe Munties or fallow as we never came across anything else, would be a pain in the arse out walking as he just pull them down , slipped him on a fox one afternoon many years ago and he ran it into a wood heard him catch on the other side ran though the wood and he's got hold of a fallow doe he stands at around 25 to the shoulder breeding never been sure of a bitza lurcher through and through Defoe deerhound and big saluki like ears but he resembles most crosses in a lurcher Pre ban story forgot to add
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