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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. Crazy world we live in eh in a police cell for catching a trout lol
  2. Must be different in Scotland the water balifs here won't dare walk the river some parts get miles and miles from the nearest road and they won't be bothered to be there they go for people who park there cars near by and see them I never have a veichle as I'm living five minute walk from the best weir on the river
  3. You'll think I'm mad now but me and my mate years ago lamped some trout and down on the Avon we had the lamp on a pike and mare tryed snaring it like you said but no good and yes got to have a go at everything haven't you
  4. Not keen on netting rivers I know I was quite bad for taking fish when younger but nowadays I like to hope there's lots of wild fish and not getting overfished to the part it comes baron and boring
  5. Never tried fly fishing so don't know if I can catch with one or not I enjoy worm or maggot fishing for trout on the small river local to me sometimes I take one or two to eat but most of the time I will realease like you mentioned back a few years ago early teens I would be out there with a few lads and we would sell on but a few times we went to the actual trout farms one time I had a bucket full of live trout with a battery powered air pump keeping the water oxygenised a guy had paid to stock his own lake and the police pulled us over opened the bucket and around 30 trout nearly jumped at h
  6. its got to be fake , a mate hit himself in the face with a grinder when he was cutting an exhaust off a transit while he was feeling under the weather (it was the gaurd that hit him not the blade) and it pissed more blood than that out , the docs said if my boss hadnt of raced him to hospital and waited for an ambulance he would of more than likely bled out maybe. i touched my thumb some years back with and angle grinder with a stone cutting blade in, never bled much at all and it was a fair cut. kind of cauterized it when it took away the flesh. bugger smarted after mind. Always do this a
  7. I'll make a wooden one give it a nice Finnish and all have you ever spinned for trout I've got a few spinners in my kit but never used them
  8. How do you know when you got a bite I rely on watching the end of my rod tip on the river put a lead on and flick it out so its on the bottom tight lol you aint much of a fisherman cushty are you ......I'm fishing the rivers the way I've been taught from years ago I rarely go on the rivers but lately been on them most evenings I'm very into fishing went over France fishing in July carp
  9. Could Probally make one easy enough also I remember pal of mine saying he went on the river with just line and hooks
  10. How do you know when you got a bite I rely on watching the end of my rod tip on the river put a lead on and flick it out so its on the bottom tight
  11. Might give one a go love doing all the old poaching stuff I always take a telescopic road with me in a backpack normally little Tupperware thing with the basic equipment in and small tub of worms bit of food knives lighters stuff like that cattypult sometimes take my bivvy and stay overnight cooking what ever I catch poacher who was from round here used to kill a rabbit slice it open and leave it hanging over the water and when the maggots started falling out it would get the trout feeding on the same spot all the time and he would catch them easier
  12. Exactly I wanted to go out again tommorw evening I was out since 3 a clock today tried a few spots along the river but no good to many dog walkers letting there dogs jump in the river so finally got to the spot where I fished last night and there's kids swimming in the river having a bbq so just waited and hour for them to pack up started fishing and hooked two more trout lost one on the bank as I was about go grab it and the other I banked and lucky I packed my de gouger this time and got the hook out and released the fish And no never tried a hand line have you we used to leave out line
  13. Thanks mate I'll have a look got snagged tonight a few times and ended up loosing around eight leads and hooks and haven't got nout left hook wise
  14. Anyone know if a good online store for general fishing stuff like hooks floats shot dispelles and all that cheap pest place
  15. I'm not part of the fly fish club sorry
  16. Thank you I was using barbless I was using slightly large hooks at size 6 for small stream fishing so will place something smaller on next time size 6 are you sure you weren't shark fishing cushty lol ......... I know got down there and it's all I had in my bag I'm going down again shortly and managed to find a size 12 so will use that hope it don't get snagged beacuse it's all I have this time apart from size 6 small stream trout just want to wait for the dog walkers and everyone to leave the area as its a nice spot just far to many walkers seen the back end of an otter before it dive
  17. It's been about for years poor dog But I expect he's been beaten around a bit by now the owner I mean
  18. You got to learn with me not to take everything serious when I said I lived in. A ratty workmans trailer I was taking the piss as people on here have doubted me so I told them I lived in a scratch trailer and was only a poor workman , also who said about the Russians klitcko and his promotion are from Ukraine not Russia
  19. Full of isis lol you give the man a heart attack
  20. im just a workman living in a travellers third trailer ha d me down living the life you
  21. What Russians You can be thick as shit sometimes are you sure your a tinker I'm being serious they are form Ukraine are you sure your not a bit dinler
  22. Thank you I was using barbless I was using slightly large hooks at size 6 for small stream fishing so will place something smaller on next time
  23. I've got both just didn't have them in my bag but will make sure I so next time
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