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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. Parker hurts aj and causes him problems no doubt expect Parker to get stopped early as soon as aj lands a few punches I think it's a fight that could to go 12 rounds but we'll get a bad stoppage
  2. Yeah I know mate probally come in from Belgium also it's more the point there even marketing spring very early now
  3. Was out at a nursery yesterday picking up some mixed hedging the hazels where all still in leaf they where not that protected from the wind either then at the supermarket earlier I seen daffodils being sold no lie they hadn't opened properly but where selling them
  4. Not long ago found a bag in the hedge row I was walking past covered in tarp to make it water proof looked inside seen a Louis vutorn design of some sort zipped it straight up thinking I've found loads of stolen goods took it down to my vechicle drive it away had another look full of He most random shite ever glass tile samples clubland classic cds rubber gloves girls shorts a small speaker lots of shower gel think it was kids raving bag for from the summer bag was a fake aswell and one of the worst fakes I ever seen lol
  5. Rubbish joke what kind of copper these days asks is the car ok more likely to do you for killing the cat or driving dangerous
  6. Not on Facebook but apparently lots goes on there hunting wise and lots of forum members I know seem to be more active on there these days
  7. I'm gonna get one of those wasps after Christmas see everyone's using them want to find out what the cracks about
  8. Sounds like your man here toilets are further than the door to car park are so do the maths lol
  9. Back in Gloucestershire for Christmas anyone reconise this pub great cider and rele ale pub great place
  10. Aj : daddy where are we going Fury : to skool son to skool
  11. You can only hope that he'll shatter aj
  12. Fury is the real champ here nice of aj and the rest to keep the belts warm time to hand them back now boys
  13. He's actively training and loosing weight you can see that by looking at him don't worry he's going to come back and beat every thing out there he's the man at heavyweight
  14. Nothing wrong with Haye good enough boxer but seems to be made of glass injury after injury bicep tear this time I think he should retire I always thought held give aj problems but he's never at full fitness so wouldn't even be competitive he's done enough needs to hang the gloves up and concentrate on training or promotion save the embarrassment of falling out the ring again
  15. Why they even protected there everywhere
  16. Made to not last so you buy more even The top brands
  17. sounds good but unless picking up decent non ferrous metals like gold silver even copper and lead brass and all that don't seem worth it finding rusting scrap guess those old cast road signs can be worth a bit
  18. Wait to you see the replay cushty . I thought that the guy was taking serious shots. Was a good fight .Don't get daft yes aj was winning very wide but that was not a good stoppageBehave yerself ditch shitter. The guy was taking big shots. If you want to see folk get seriously injured before a stoppage step in the ring yourself. If not then just accept what you see through the window in your neighbours Tele.Your deluded more like aj was throwing every thing he has at a mediocre opponent and still couldn't Finnish him so ref jumps In aj was just about to start gassing out was takam hurt no powe
  19. Wait to you see the replay cushty . I thought that the guy was taking serious shots. Was a good fight .Don't get daft yes aj was winning very wide but that was not a good stoppageBehave yerself ditch shitter. The guy was taking big shots. If you want to see folk get seriously injured before a stoppage step in the ring yourself. If not then just accept what you see through the window in your neighbours Tele.Your deluded more like aj was throwing every thing he has at a mediocre opponent and still couldn't Finnish him so ref jumps In aj was just about to start gassing out was takam hurt no powe
  20. Didn't go 12 due to a dodgy decision you Mongrell taksm wasn't going anywhere was he the guy aj couldn't hurt but povetkin had him out cold in that time aj looked green but that's understable that's his 20th fight my problem tonight ain't with aj it wasn't him who made the bad decision but takam was not hurt you must be the only person I've encountered who agrees with that stoppage beating in mind in actually in Cardiff and was watching in a pub a few miles from the arena
  21. Wait to you see the replay cushty . I thought that the guy was taking serious shots. Was a good fight .Don't get daft yes aj was winning very wide but that was not a good stoppageBehave yerself ditch shitter. The guy was taking big shots. If you want to see folk get seriously injured before a stoppage step in the ring yourself. If not then just accept what you see through the window in your neighbours Tele. Your deluded more like aj was throwing every thing he has at a mediocre opponent and still couldn't Finnish him so ref jumps In aj was just about to start gassing out was takam hurt no pow
  22. Just remember povetkin ko takam cold if wilder ain't rubbing his hands before he certainly is now sane with fury aj didn't gas as takam didn't really push him thought aj was a big power house lol takam would of gone 12
  23. Wait to you see the replay cushty . I thought that the guy was taking serious shots. Was a good fight . Don't get daft yes aj was winning very wide but that was not a good stoppage
  24. Even me as a fury fan knows fury cannot come straight back into an aj fight he needs atlesst three fights personally can't see fury returning now aj has faults apart from fury there ain't no one else beating him the wlad rematch was still 50 50 but aj got a good chance of dominating for the next ten years and be recognised as a super champ mainly due to a weak division can't see Parker or wilder worrying him one bit
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