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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. What sort of ingredients do you people enjoy with trout never been into fish but have a trout so going to stuff it up and give it a cook on a nice open fire do you stuff it full of herbs
  2. Thought you never went shows I don't clever bollox ...I was asked to judge as a favour so I did .......Ah so you have judging qualitaltes aswell then did you pick the chiwawwa in the lady's handbag for best earth dog or working like most of these judges do at these shows
  3. Isn't it easier to just do it during the daytime go drey poking
  4. Many more good nights to come aswell for you hopefully
  5. They are all asleep at night.That's what I thought never seen one at night ever how do you shoot them at night jdarcy
  6. I use 12mm steel find these better for my catty than 9.5s also if you want something cheap and simple get hexnutx as they are just as good for ammo
  7. To right it is aloud of shite poaching is a term used for people that think they own the wildlife that roams field to field
  8. Think ther just messingmite off been one of youre cousin's cushtyWouldnt like to think it wasn't anything to do with me dirty dossiers who ever took them no good
  9. That wouldn't be a thing new to be honest there's Probally a few on this forum as its so easy to just view without a username set up
  10. Hope this man can get his dogs back sorry to hear about it mate
  11. Where did you hear this
  12. Lol the hunting life fashion bridgede out in true force
  13. Morton lived with travellers and worked with travellers Probally living in the dossiers trailers and was a workmen thinking he's pally
  14. I just thought it was funny I doubt fury knows what he's saying it also says in the aritcle he's not a religious person when he's always posting things from the bible Im surprised he can read?.mind you he always comes across as thick as mud,as most of his relations have earnt their crust from their nous and conning pensioners out of their pensions,he,s done better than them and his daddy. Lol gel on you corse I forgot you know every one of them personally to know what they does for work just another steriotyping mush conning pensioners lol heard travellers do it once in the papers then you t
  15. I just thought it was funny I doubt fury knows what he's saying it also says in the aritcle he's not a religious person when he's always posting things from the bible Im surprised he can read?.mind you he always comes across as thick as mud,as most of his relations have earnt their crust from their nous and conning pensioners out of their pensions,he,s done better than them and his daddy. Lol gel on you corse I forgot you know every one of them personally to know what they does for work just another steriotyping mush conning pensioners lol heard travellers do it once in the papers then y
  16. Didn't they slander all the lurcher boys saying they leave deer wounded some good episodes on you tube but how they had the cheek to slander lurcher people when all into hunting is the same folk
  17. Picture as promised Please pm me if you like it Thanks CJ
  18. You know I didn't hint people would take it serious when I posted it fury loves to go on the wind up all those videos of him training and acti out of breath and being sloppy are to fool the public is all an act I think Note how I posted this after you already admitted putting it up as a joke. My retort was just banter and sarcasm, something to do on a Sunday morning whilst having my hair pulled by creatures resembling children. I couldn't give a monkeys how many he's shagged or hasn't. I know I wasn't aiming it at you but the others
  19. You know I didn't hint people would take it serious when I posted it fury loves to go on the wind up all those videos of him training and acti out of breath and being sloppy are to fool the public is all an act I think
  20. Most likely he's vein said in the past
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