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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. Trust you to notice that they get changed every single evening for you information and before you ask no I don't do it either
  2. edit to say just clocked what you meant and no I haven't robbed the church being religious myself I would give Ben dream of it they came from a old house with a skip outside
  3. Yeah I just found I strange how iamb made the thread and didn't give and details on what it was about
  4. Went through my brothers brass scrap earlier found these lovely candle stick holders in pristine condition and thought they are to good for scrap there solid brass and still in very good condition going to stick them for sale somewhere appranty they where in a skip with lots of other brass things but everything else was stracked and oxydised
  5. Yes but how did he get to bieng mentioned on the hunting life is it hunting stuff he goes for
  6. What's this all about I'm confused
  7. Didn't really find it funny tbh but what I did find strange I didn't even know that was a trollstation video before I clicked it and I thought to myself ah YouTube after watching this I can watch some of trollstations videos and it happens to be trollstation weird as
  8. Good work can imagine how he old people where feeling as my nan loves her little dog also
  9. Neither am I I'm on about boxing not fighting myself dinlerrr It's dinlo not dinlerrr Mr Travelling man ...Yes I know that but it's called modyfiying a word you dinler look at the amount of times I've used dinlo in the past all I'm doing is changing the word slightly still got the same meaning didn't know you where such a Romany language consour after you admitted me to me you where part of a new age movement who didn't know any Romany words
  10. You've never met Him you've seen him in a YouTube clip how can you come to the conclusion he's a bully after one clip have you met more Ronnie Pickering victims or don't you think he's acting just like a lot of men do when driving and someone in thier view mucks up my grandad will moan and shout at people when they cut him up doesn't mean he's a bully Probally a nice guy down the pub on a Friday night
  11. Neither am I I'm on about boxing not fighting myself dinlerrr
  12. Are they positioned in a window They've been outside most of the summer, same as always. Then they'll be in the conservatory when the frost starts. To much sunlight Probally I have some outside also but in shade all the time I seriously doubt there's more sunlight in Wales than in England. Everything else is the same, except our water comes from a borehole so no chlorine. They seem well enough on it. No when the leafs start going redy coulor they are getting to much sun there not a plant that is meant to be in full sunlight anyway
  13. Are they positioned in a window They've been outside most of the summer, same as always. Then they'll be in the conservatory when the frost starts. To much sunlight Probally I have some outside also but in shade all the time
  14. Are they positioned in a window
  15. You spelt that wrong mate. He's Britain's biggest bellend. Thing is I bet you 95 percent of people on this forum and across the Internet will be slagging him and faking the piss but I bet they also wouldn't dare take on Ronnie PickeringHave a day off Cushty. The guy is a grade A dick head. He had no intention of getting out of that car. So you'll fight him then gaz my point wasn't weather he would get out of his car or act on it atall have a re read my point was I bet not many people on here would want to fight him but will take the piss on this forum So you are saying the only lads on h
  16. It doesn't matter what yould say if you read my post I meant fighting not talking what is it with people on this forum not reading things properly
  17. I think it's something to do with who ever shoots one on shoot days has to pay 50 quid or something like that or I've heard this bieng used as markers so keepers know where birds are but when I worked with a keeper we never did have them so can't really give much more info
  18. Whatever happens who ever wins I hope for an exiting fight and I hope wvlad gets taken into a dogfight on the inside somewhere he's not often been and doesent like to be
  19. You spelt that wrong mate. He's Britain's biggest bellend. Thing is I bet you 95 percent of people on this forum and across the Internet will be slagging him and faking the piss but I bet they also wouldn't dare take on Ronnie Pickering Have a day off Cushty. The guy is a grade A dick head. He had no intention of getting out of that car. So you'll fight him then gaz my point wasn't weather he would get out of his car or act on it atall have a re read my point was I bet not many people on here would want to fight him but will take the piss on this forum
  20. :laugh: yeah tys biting the hand thats feeding him and hes showing him whos boss .ffs one couldnt make it up .only on THL .if youve missed it .il remind you .tys mandatory .klit has to fight or retire .hes no boss of nothing and hes feeding no one ,hes stalling for time .hes hoping skye cannot fit in ppv in november so it then has to carry over to the new year. . hes owned and hes owned by team fury ,the gypsy warrior will reign supreme . That's it Brookie my mush don't listen to the dinlers on this forum they Probally believed the haye fight was going to 100 percent happen untill he dropped
  21. Definitely however klitckho is getting kicked out for the fourth time in his career
  22. Oh it's on doesn't mean there going to fight look at David haye injured then new date set and then dropped out agian also wvlad did the same to chisora made a prosponment date and dropped out after that
  23. Same thing happened with David haye it's never on untill there in the ring together
  24. Ronnies son come out to the press and said he's regretting it now and wishes no one knew him but still feels the moped driver is an idiot
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