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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. I do try glad to see maim enteriaitning the masses
  2. Have you seen it episode he that woman comes out in st George's park and complains they are hurting the wildlife typical Bristol hippy tipes it is full of them Bristol is yea think he was fishing out of bounds or summat, Yeah I remember he admitted to bieng in the wrong but the woman was typical city hippy tipe who was clueless she even mentioned hunting and said he was just as bad as a foxhunter or something along those lines she was crazy and appranty my mate has encountered her down there a few times also
  3. You've not seen all the young lads with jeans tighter than there girlfriends jeans and legs so skinny they could snap around your area then ? I have to admit when I was 15 we wouldn't dare wear any of that rubbish and boys in these onside things it's all gone crazy
  4. Nice gaz I used to have a terrier that would lick and take care of my lurcher when we got in from lamping was funny to watch at times they where like a couple
  5. There was a wallaby recently in the area loose and the thick local police put a tweet out saying has anyone lost there kangaroo as we have found one
  6. Have you seen it episode he that woman comes out in st George's park and complains they are hurting the wildlife typical Bristol hippy tipes it is full of them Bristol is Only the White ones,lol What do you mean redneck Have you seen it episode he that woman comes out in st George's park and complains they are hurting the wildlife typical Bristol hippy tipes it is full of them Bristol is Only the White ones,lolMost the whites in Bristol are seem to be the bohemian/freespirit type ,the rest are coloureds ,lolWhat do you mean redneck Ah got you yes they do my grandad used to pick load
  7. Have you seen it episode he that woman comes out in st George's park and complains they are hurting the wildlife typical Bristol hippy tipes it is full of them Bristol is Only the White ones,lol What do you mean redneck
  8. Not worth the time and effort to send away might aswell go in brass bin I suppose yeah it's not very common like it was back in the day people don't want the old fashioned looking stuff no more It has to be something special to get money for them these days. Deco or Art-nevou will fetch tidy money other than that they can all go in the scrap bin. I used to buy at auction and all the brass would go in sacks for Christmas drink money. Some brass will sell, bells especially horsey related ones and really old genuine horse brasses do sell, not for much granted but they do sell. TC My friend
  9. Have you seen it episode he that woman comes out in st George's park and complains they are hurting the wildlife typical Bristol hippy tipes it is full of them Bristol is
  10. And yes have hair very short at the moment but growing it again
  11. I'm joking I don't visit police stations often enough for tome to keep a step for me but I'm five foot seven and a slight belly on me
  12. AAHHHHHHHH short arse then Short and fat with greasy hair yes
  13. Oh so that's what it's all about I was watching a fishing thing on YouTube based in Bristol docks and they found one that was only reachable by boat and put a ledger wait in there didn't understand what it was about and just put it down to some hippy stuff in Bristol as I know Bristol is one of the most weird places in the country now I researched it on google after reading your post and put me in the light but no never found one ever
  14. So short I can't see over the counter at the police station they have kept a kids toilet step behind the counter for me
  15. Not worth the time and effort to send away might aswell go in brass bin I suppose yeah it's not very common like it was back in the day people don't want the old fashioned looking stuff no more
  16. They could even be gold plated brass as had that plenty of times in the past a sack full of gold plated brass bathroom taps once
  17. Haha beacuse they will get taken of in the morning washed and left to dry we don't have a washing machine and I happen to take most of my pictures in the evening as that's when I'm home if I took photos first thing in the moring yould see th sheets however I'm to busy with getting ready to work and doing a hundred and one things out in the years before work to take photos of my bed sheets Washed everyday?! Mine only get changed if I've got a bit of skirt coming round (it's been a fecking long time since they were last changed ) I'm lucky to have the skirt everysingle evening and morning Tho
  18. Do you think the cnut that used to own it noticed it's gone I had it made going to have our enitols put on the side of it also
  19. Can't believe no one has noticed my rare Italian marble bedside table yet
  20. I could get more for them at a car boot sale I garanttee scrap brass in currently around £1.90 per kilo and they don't even weigh a kilo 20 years ago I would have given you 15 to 20 quid for them. Now I would only give a pound for them. TC Why is that mate hat was different 20 years ago please tell me mate
  21. I could get more for them at a car boot sale I garanttee scrap brass in currently around £1.90 per kilo and they don't even weigh a kilo
  22. Haha beacuse they will get taken of in the morning washed and left to dry we don't have a washing machine and I happen to take most of my pictures in the evening as that's when I'm home if I took photos first thing in the moring yould see th sheets however I'm to busy with getting ready to work and doing a hundred and one things out in the years before work to take photos of my bed sheets
  23. Ah defiantly Larry people these days chuck anything away go to work 9 to five and there happy with that I know people who workin offices who would chuck a ton of copper in the bin if they had it
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