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Everything posted by CushtyJook

  1. I Probally know it better than he does and I've spent a few nights on it before
  2. Was up the local woods today and just as I went to come out noticed the farmer on his quad whoshouted to me what am I doing there and told me it was privet estate woodland in which I replied awfully sorry just looking for somewhere to walk the dog and then he noticed my catty sticking out my jeans so says something about my real intentions Bieng to shoot game and told me he doubts I could hit a bar door out with one and deemed cattys useless and to,d me he was a shotgun man etc acting Like Lord of the manner saying he helps run the shoot and is in charge of the beaters on a shoot day anyway cu
  3. You can only try just move in and make it look tidy locals will be the noseyest trying to work out what's going on but after a while will just presume someone is doing it up and bought it and be none the wiser
  4. Is fencing a priority I'm going to turn a bit lf waste land into a yard I'm friendly with everyone who lives in the houses overlooking it and it's a fairly large space got a footpath running down the hedge line but it's never been used and very very overgrown
  5. Do you think he might of heard it on the radio same as me ? We've been working hard all day but at one point he was sat in a digger so yes
  6. Yes but might have gone to family as our land was the same situation we bought it from the persons family
  7. Strangest thing al day was working in the midlands today and my mate asked me on the way home if I had heard of the doornouse your on about and I didn't have a clue about them the. I come home and read this
  8. Well found out this bit of land I like isn't really owed by anyone who cares so I'm going to start slowly clearing all the brambs and get a small yard down right opposite horse feild we own anyway and people use this land to dump their grass cuttings and stuff in
  9. And it's just came to me opposite the horses my uncle owns is a piece of scrap bramble infested land where walkers dont even bother to use the footpath
  10. Yes highways agency embankment clearence and we have Ppe just no orange hi visSound.Are they arranging the road closures for you or will you be working in front of a crash cushion? Have you got vehicles with the proper hi-viz chevrons on the back and beacons etc? Yes van has highways maintenance etc etc and hi viz across back and there will be a crash cushion I hopeSound then. All systems go.Take it you work regular on the highways gazEvery night unfortunately fella.Boring is it ? Your not one of the ones who are always fast asleep in vans blocking the entrance to motorway then i take itno ju
  11. Yes highways agency embankment clearence and we have Ppe just no orange hi visSound.Are they arranging the road closures for you or will you be working in front of a crash cushion? Have you got vehicles with the proper hi-viz chevrons on the back and beacons etc? Yes van has highways maintenance etc etc and hi viz across back and there will be a crash cushion I hopeSound then. All systems go.Take it you work regular on the highways gaz Every night unfortunately fella. Boring is it ? Your not one of the ones who are always fast asleep in vans blocking the entrance to motorway then i take it
  12. Ive only ever been stopped by police right outside my permission twice once they asked if I had permission and all I had to do was say he farmers name it could of been made up for all they knew but they where happy and the second time was by a powerstation and I heard people by my car in the gateway I left it turned out if was armed police asking me why my Car was left in the gateway as so close to power station this particular field I was in I didn't actually have permission but was right next door anyway they ask me what I was doing and I told them lamping and they said oh right good luck an
  13. Yes highways agency embankment clearence and we have Ppe just no orange hi visSound.Are they arranging the road closures for you or will you be working in front of a crash cushion? Have you got vehicles with the proper hi-viz chevrons on the back and beacons etc? Yes van has highways maintenance etc etc and hi viz across back and there will be a crash cushion I hope Sound then. All systems go. Take it you work regular on the highways gaz
  14. Yes highways agency embankment clearence and we have Ppe just no orange hi vis Sound. Are they arranging the road closures for you or will you be working in front of a crash cushion? Have you got vehicles with the proper hi-viz chevrons on the back and beacons etc? Yes van has highways maintenance etc etc and hi viz across back and there will be a crash cushion I hope
  15. Yes highways agency embankment clearence and we have Ppe just no orange hi vis
  16. You'll be surprised some people will know exactly what is theirs to the millimetre my grandad took down a fence that bordered a feild that had been like a wasteland for years and years he moved the fence after doing some work not even ten inches and had some farmer posting a bill for the land taken lol Also you have to think long time ago how did all these rich landowners and lords and ladies get all thier land it was once claimed somewhere down the line but sadly these days most land is taken you'll be lucky very lucky to find anything decent
  17. A real job?.......are you like the worlds worst traveller or something ? Lol lolOnly joking mate, your employer should kit you out surely ? I am my employer i do trees with a good friend of mine planting and cutting have lots of yellow hi vis but it's old and doesn't look very good plus orange is the coulour that seems to be the new yellow
  18. I'm pretty sure it is over ten years atleast and yeah don't blame you get the Strimmer out
  19. Got a contract starting soon on motorway embankments and need to kit myself out with new hi vis gear does anyone know any good cheap online stores
  20. Don't tell tuffty but i think this French bull dog is gamer than his terriers
  21. Bet they where laughing all the way to the bank lol
  22. Good shot I see your catty has lots of drawback what lenght elastic do you fit and what ammo did you fire
  23. Yep natural forks don't buy those black widow pieces of rubbish don't last two minites either
  24. My cousins boyfriend was telling me today he knows a man who claimed a bit of land next to a railway line it was an old track going up to a small yard where they would be access under the railway untill the network rail filled the gap in and left the land a Romany man litterly parked up there and made it his home and has been there over twenty years now before I was born it looks really fancy now all nice with trees either side of the track with some nice iron gates yet no one has ever tried to remove him or council haven't told him he doesn't own the land but my family who own land can't do a
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